Thursday, February 28, 2019

Activities the Apostolico Brothers Do Together - Vincent Apostolico

As many people know, I have two brothers, Tommy and Jimmy. Many people think that I look just like both of my brothers and I will constantly either be called Tommy or Jimmy, especially by teachers. Like many siblings in a family, we have our fights lots of times each week and we also have our very fun moments where we absolutely have a blast. We always have many great activities that we do together to have fun and I thought of it to be very appropriate to talk about them with everyone this month.

Video Game Night -
When all three of us are home on a weekend, we always try to make sure that we get at least one game night in before Jimmy leaves to go back to college. We have an Xbox one and we have gotten so many crazy games over the years where we are able to play together. We will go into our basement on Friday or Saturday nights and play on the Xbox for either two or three hours. It can get very competitive at times while playing as we all want to prove to each other that we are the best player here. One of the games we get super competitive in is Halo. For those who don't know, Halo is a first person shooter game where you try to kill your opponents with whatever weapons or vehicles you are able to find. We constantly are killing each other in each round that we play and when one of us gets a tank in the game, the bragging to each other goes up to a whole another level as the person with the tank just absolutely destroys everybody. Now many of you right now might be thinking that there is definitely so much trash talking going between us during these game nights and you are absolutely 100% correct. If you are in any room in my house when we are playing in the basement, you will constantly hear us screaming in each other's faces how we just killed them and how we are better than each other. Sometimes I will do dance moves in front of my brothers to brag to them and they will either get really mad or just kill me right away in the game. We honestly are completely different people when we play video games with each other. The amount of trash talking going on might be way over the top during video game night, but they are still such a blast to experience with each other.

Our Classic Golfing Foursome 
Image result for Ian poulter pumping chestAs so many people know, all of us play golf and whenever we all go to the golf course together, we have to play in our classic foursome, my Dad, Tommy, Jimmy, and myself. It always very fun playing golf really any time I'm on the golf course, but with my family it is definitely a huge upgrade. We always crack jokes with each on the tee boxes when were about to hit our tee shots and when we are putting on the greens. Sometimes we have funny moments that we can just never forget. For example, Tommy hit a street sign once at Crystal Springs, an alligator chased us on a course in Florida, and my Dad put a golf ball on top of a roof of someone's house. We always have times during every golf round where we just can't stop laughing and I absolutely love it. But every time when every sibling in the house plays the same sport, there is always going to be trash talking. Now the trash talking that goes during the golf rounds is not as close as it is during video game night. We will say comments to one another after we've either hit the ball a long way down the fairway or very close to the pin. One time, I hit a very far drive on a par-4 and I flexed my muscles towards my brothers while saying "Some people don't even go that far on vacation." Another time, Jimmy made a really long putt on the last hole for birdie during one round and immediately after starting pumping his chest towards me. The trash talking between all of us never stops, even on the golf course. The most fun rounds of golf are definitely when we are all playing well. We do trash talk each other from time to time, but at the end of the day we all want to see each other play our best golf and it's awesome when we can all do that together in one round. Our golfing foursome is definitely a very fun experience to have in our life and we always want to make sure we keep this tradition going.
Image result for apostolico golfImage result for apostolico golf
Netflix and Chilling
There are times when my brothers and I are bored and we always try to find something to do. Whenever we can't come up with something, we always go to Netflix. We watch so many funny movies and TV shows together to save us from our boredom and it works nearly 100% of the time. We all love to watch classic comedies together as we just don't stop laughing together. Especially with Jimmy around as his laugh is very funny and he just never stops laughing. One of the shows we can't stop watching together is The Office. We always laugh at Michael Scott's jokes, Jim's pranks that he pulls on Dwight, Stanley's not caring attitude, etc. One of the best things about watching Netflix together is when we all laugh at each other when we can't breathe and funny noises come out of each other. Tommy's glasses will fall off sometimes when he is laughing, I will make an um sound when I just can't stop laughing, and Jimmy will start snorting like a pig. Netflix is just a great way for all of us to really bond together and have a great time even when we really don't have anything to do.
Image result for the office


My Earliest Memory by Emma Cerra

When thinking back to my earliest memory, I wonder why I remembered it. It’s a really odd memory, hazy to the point where I feel like it cou...