Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Family by Kristen Bradish

Dogs count as family, right? Almost every citizen of California would agree on the fact that family would not be complete without a furry companion. I've grown up my whole life surrounded by dogs in the family. Even when I go to a relatives house, it's guaranteed that they or another guest attending will bear a dog.
The great thing about dogs is that you can tell them all of your problems and they won't judge you. You can tell them about you're day at school and as long as you rub their bellies, they'll listen to you for hours on end. Well, unless they are a Syberberian Huskey. Our Huskey, Syber (yes, her name is literally just an abbreviation of her breed. I wanted to call her Mint), has a high pitched whine that has no off switch. Four in the morning, she will come into my room and whine to go outside. Her whines are like a toddler's screeching mixed in with ambulance sirens. Nevertheless, we still love her. It's hard not to when she has piercing blue eyes and the sleekest coat of fur.

She's a difficult model to work with. She wouldn't even let me photograph her on my birthday.

Though, she will pose for cookies.

Syber is the baby of the family, even though she's eight years old, because she had the longest puppy phase known to man. Huskies usually act like puppies who need attention 24/7 for the first two or three years of life, then grow more independent and calm. Syber, on the other hand, didn't grow out of her puppy phase until she was seven. Seven long years of her wild and overly energetic spirit would really drain any dog owner. She's also a huge troublemaker. We can never leave a single bathroom door open because she will sneak in and eat all the toothpaste (which was why the name Mint would have been so fitting, eight-year-old Kristen was psychic). Besides her bizarre obsession with all mint products, the greatest feeling in the world is when I'm sitting on the couch and she leaps up and snuggles next to me. Literally the best blanket ever. 
Even Syber agrees that Icy makes a great pillow.

 The second oldest fur baby in the family is Icicle, Icy for short. Icy is going on her twelfth year of being a fluffy polar bear like Samoyed that is adored by all. She has had quite a long life as she's been through multiple surgeries and was diagnosed last year with diabetes. (apparently, Samoyeds are very susceptible to diabetes, who knew?) The minute I get home in the afternoon I am instantly filled with joy because whenever someone's at the door, she gets really excited and immediately tries to get up. The problem is, her paws always slip so she's just flailing around on the floor seeming really happy that I'm home but also a little annoyed that she can't get up. She's the cutest and one of the most well-behaved pets that we've ever had. She's the creme de la creme of furry companions.

Dogs bring out the best in the family. It takes responsibility and teamwork to take care of them which is why it's a job that brings everyone together. 

She licks her nose a lot.

Size comparison
Munchin' on some ice 

They lead the best life


  1. Such beautiful dogs! They look cuddly!

  2. I knew you were always a psychic! Also, your dogs are so cute!

  3. AWW I love the doggies!!


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