Friday, February 1, 2019

Daedalus by: Kaela Burke

And how could you blame him for wanting to touch the sun, 
for wanting to feel it shine on his back? 
You gave him wings, how could you expect him not to fly away? 
He was Icarus, and he kept flying closer and closer as the wax grew hot and slick and blistered his skin because he would make it, he would touch the sun and bathe in its
But the feathers started to fall, 
the wings you so carefully stitched together crumbling before your eyes. 
You watched in horror as his silhouette plummeted towards the sea,
a fallen angel descending from heaven with his wings clipped,
a broken shell of a rebellious spirit, flayed by the scorching heat of the gods. 

And though he had left you, you wept regardless, and your tears added to the ocean in which your Icarus drowned.

Image result for icarus


  1. AMAZING!!! You are so talented and your poetry is so moving!

  2. This was such a good poem, it was so descriptive!

  3. you are very talented. as proves


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