Monday, January 14, 2019

Hanging in the Balance by Jordan Bucenec

Hanging in the Balance

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Something that is important to me is maintaining a balance between school, sports, a social life, and simply functioning as a human being. This has been a nearly impossible balance to achieve basically ever since I began middle school (around 5th grade, when things started becoming "serious"). I find it ludicrous that someone (specifically the school system) expects me to achieve this balance.

First of all, from September to June, school is basically my life. I wake up and get ready for school. I walk to the bus stop to get to school. Then I remain in school for six to seven hours or possibly longer if I have a sport or an after-school activity. Then I go home from school and proceed to do work for school. So, how am I supposed to "stop stressing" over school when school is practically 80% of my life. Probably more. 85% if we're being particularly petty. Regardless, within the hours that I spend away from school, what do I really have time to do? Read a book? Sure. Go for a run? If that floats your boat. Eat? Sounds good. Nap? Most likely. Discover my true identity, and why I'm on this Earth? Probably not. The things that should be most important to us often take a subordinate role in our lives because of the suffocating presence of school in our lives. Not that school isn't important. Of course we need to be educated and learn about the complex world around us. However, the stresses and impact of school upon a normal child/teen's life seen to be nothing but negative.

So, trying to obtain a balance between school and the rest of my life is difficult. Impossible, really. Despite this truth, I try live my life accordingly. Which so far, has been working out decently well. I have friends, I play sports, I eat pretty healthy, and I reserve free time for myself. However, I feel that I will only be able to truly discover who I am and listen to "the call for success" once I get to college. Or even after perhaps. School prohibits the amount of time I am allowed for myself. Yet, it is necessary (even though I think all of us would prefer to go to school for only four days and start at 8 a.m.). So to conclude, balance is important to remain healthy, whether it is mentally or physically. I hope I will continue to maintain this balance throughout the new year.

Image result for balance images

Image result for balance images


  1. this is well written and i like the pictures lol

  2. Balance is SO HARD to achieve. I'm still trying to do it. If you figure this out now, you're lucky !

  3. your pictures Rock!! Hahahahahahaha


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