Sunday, November 25, 2018

The Tiny Thanksgiving by Miranda Doller

You know the typical Thanksgiving holiday. Your whole family gathered around a large table with food brought in by your relatives. Seeing that favorite cousin walk in and thank God for their existence because without them you wouldn't know what to do with yourself for a good 10 hours. That Thanksgiving is non-existent in my life. It's only my mom, dad, and I... and my dogs. Half of my family lives in Argentina and the other in Israel. Hey, I'm not complaining. I love my little family. It makes me sad, though, because I've never met my cousins or uncles or aunts or grandparents. Well that's a lie. I did meet one of my uncles in New York and my grandma did visit for two weeks back in 2011. But nevertheless, still a tiny family. I was talking to my friend the other day and she said she had 15 people over! I can't imagine having 15 people over at my house and having to deal with them (in the most polite manner, of course). I can only keep up the "nice-daughter" act for so long. I'm not saying I'm not nice. I actually think I can be extremely nice to even the most rudest people in the world. It's just being around over 10 people in a confined space (a house), would make me very agitated and I would probably have a headache for most of the time. Another problem I would have if my family was over, is that they all speak Spanish. Every one of them. I hate to say it, but I am the only person in the family that can't speak a word of Spanish. My second cousin's daughter, who's 10, might I add, speaks 4 languages: Hebrew, English, French, and Spanish. Here I am, barely keeping up in French class and still second-guessing myself on whether in the word "field" is spelled with "ei" or "ie". ( For your information: I spelled it wrong when I was typing it). I'm getting way off topic here, but I hope you, the reader, understands my point. I would not like my mother bugging me about how a 10 year-old is smarter than me on Thanksgiving. I would definitely love to have my relatives over for a get-together. Both sides of the family. But for now, it's just my mom, dad, and I... and of course, the dogs. A happy family with a 20-pound turkey on the table, ready to be gobbled up... (pun intended (sorry vegans and vegetarians)). 

Image result for family of 3<<an accurate picture of my family
Image result for 2 yorkies puppies<<a random picture of two very cute yorkie puppies I found on the internet because I have no pictures of both of them on my computer


  1. you closed this post very well i love the vegan comment

  2. This was so cute! Our family has 30 people for Thanksgiving and it gets a little crazy sometimes.

  3. Maybe one year you could travel and meet all those relatives!


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