Wednesday, November 28, 2018

I almost ate a kid! By: Nick Murray; Co-author (Barry).

Image result for cub bearThe sun was blazing on my furry back; I heard my mom hollering my name, "Barry!"  I haven't ate since yesterday and my stomach is grumbling with rage!  As I was chasing a deer, the mouthwatering scent of scumptious cake wafted up to my nose. I inhaled deaply to savor the blissful moment. I started to get an image in my head that made my taste buds tingle! While I was dreaming about the cake, I smashed my face into a tree! My face hurt so much it felt like I ate one of those yellow and black things that sting your mouth... still don´t know what those are. As I was approaching the increasingly attractive smell still starstuck from slamming into a tree, I came across a little boy.

Image result for Cake I later found out his name, Nicholas. He started to scream, no joke, ¨AWEEE CAN I PET IT MOMMY?¨. All that went through my thick skull was how stupid a human boy could be? I am a menacing little baby cub and this human Nick thinks he can actually pet me? Fool. My head started to throb and soon after I stepped on a sharp stick with spikes in it. I think it was a rake but I am not sure. I started to limp and if you know anything about me- or any other baby bears - my mom gets hella protective and will jump at anything near me! I finally got to the backyard of his crib where the dope cake was. When I walked over, all these lil kids were chillin. I heard almost all of them "awe" instantaneously at the sight of me and some even started to run over! Then I heard a grumpy old man with gray hair, a white v- neck t-shirt and jeans holler "GET THE HELL OUTTA THERE NICK!".

Image result for kids BackyardI didn't know what all the hooting and hollering was about. I just wanted a damn piece of cake, bruh. After that loud scream mama bear came rushing towards me and we both skrt off into the forest again.. The kid scared the crap out of me; I didn't even think twice about my paw injury! If my mom wasn't there to protect me I would have eaten that little kid's head off in one bite..."mmm mmm mmm" he was so small! I, Barry the bear am one strong independent cub and I finna fight anyone or anything that crosses me!


  1. awe I love how this story is told from the bear's perspective about the whole situation from your birthday party, it's super cute

  2. You love this bear! Does your Dad know how you described him : )

  3. fyi i helped with this a lot

  4. So interesting, i like the change in perspective

  5. This was funny, and I liked how you changed the perspective. Also, great descriptions throughout!

  6. Can't wait for the third installment

  7. Couldn't agree with Robbie more. A true masterpiece, I liked the dialect change.

  8. Awe! Barry sounds adorable! Except for the whole part where you made him want to eat your head off...


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