Monday, October 1, 2018

Ok, But Was This Summer Even Real - Rachel Young

       I'll be honest right off the bat, I don't like summer. I know, it's an unpopular opinion, but summer has got to be my least favorite season. The blinding sun, intense heat, the sweat, it all makes my skin crawl. The bugs come out, mosquitoes are a nightmare, and I hate having to walk around outside in the t h i c k weather and just sweat.
It's gross.
Sorry, I don't make the rules. 
       However, despite the bugs, despite the crazy, humid weather, despite it always being 100+ degrees, despite the torrential downpours every other day, I actually enjoyed this summer. A lot. 
       Ok just to start off, I usually spend my summers doing one thing. Sleeping. Sure, I'll be social during the school year, sure Ill make time for my friends and hang out on the weekends. But as soon as that final bell rings in June? I'm basically a recluse. I get inside and I stay there. Peace. See y'all next fall. But this summer, this summer was different. 
        From the moment finals ended, my summer schedule was packed with activities and trips scheduled by my parents. I was dreading it. I wanted to stay home and relax. However being forced outside my bubble was the best thing that could've happened to me.
      I did a lot of stupid things this summer. Not stupid in a bad way, stupid in a fun way. The kind of stupid where you look back with your friends at the memories and laugh until you cant breathe or risk peeing your pants. The kind of stupid that deems those memories part of "the good ol days". 
      I started the summer in Watkins Glen, hiking through water falls and rivers. While I wanted nothing more than to spend my first weekend of summer sleeping at home, the trip helped me realize how fun traveling was.
      Next was North Carolina, the outer banks to be exact. We go on this trip every year, and it's my favorite thing about summer. I get to see my cousins and the side of my family I only get to see once every so often. This trip was special cause my sister could drive, and we could do all the things we wanted to do without having our parents tag along. We went to the beach every day, got up before sunrise to kayak out into the ocean, stayed up to 4 am watching the stars. It truly was the epitome of a teenage summer.
         Finally, we spent our last week in New Hampshire, hiking the presidential mountains. No wifi, no service, just the great outdoors. And while this posed a threat to my delicate social teenage life, it forced me to realize just what actually mattered. Without my phone and its ties to the outside world, I was able to focus on myself. To sit outside and take a breather. I know, its corny. But for once, on the car ride back to New Jersey, I actually dreaded the fact that I had to come back to the hectic mess that was my life back in Sparta.
         Through these experiences I really learned to let go. To not care about the world back home, to really let myself have fun. I usually hate summer, but summer 2k18, as cliche as it sounds, really changed me. And i can't wait to do it all again next year

Image result for watkins glen ny


  1. Sounds like you may be changing your mind about summer!

  2. This was so good! And those pictures are so pretty! Where was my invite??


My Earliest Memory by Emma Cerra

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