Monday, October 1, 2018

My Summer Expirence

I remember it well. It was mid-August, and the heat swole up to a solid 90°. For my church, I had to get at least 15 service hours in for confirmation. I was only five hours short! My mother decided to sign me up to be an assistant coach for a summer camp which taught kids under the age of 10 to play basketball. It was crazy.

When I walked in I saw so much talent in these kids I was overwhelmed. I on the other hand stopped playing basketball about two years ago for an injury so I’m a bit rusty. Those tiny kids were shooting foul shots, three pointers, one kid even got a shot in from center court!

I hung out with the tiny girls who needed more assistance. You know, the ones who’s mother thought it would be good exercise and then gives them a bucket of candy to eat afterwards. They were adorable. One girl had the sweetest eyes which overflowed with tears on a constant basis. I didn’t mind though because she would always give me a hug, or let me give her a piggy back around the court. One day she slapped me, then proceeded to cry because she said she was too tired to play basketball anymore. Drama queen!

The age gap was the most annoying part. I could say things my generation would understand, and they would get it too. However, they were still too young to find any of my jokes funny. They rather talk about Trump or how the yellow basketball that delflated in the corner looked like Trump’s hair. It was funny I must admit, but I’d rather not get into politics with eight year olds.

It’s a memory I will never forget. I plan to do it this year, and the year after that. The kids got attatched to me and I was named the best junior coach! I gave all my little children a hug before leaving. I will truly treasure the opportunity and be grateful my mom signed me up!

1 comment:

My Earliest Memory by Emma Cerra

When thinking back to my earliest memory, I wonder why I remembered it. It’s a really odd memory, hazy to the point where I feel like it cou...