Sunday, October 7, 2018

Costume Shopping... Really is Something Else By: Alyssa Lasko

("Costume shopping"? What is she, seven?! Only kids participate in Halloween!!

We'll see who's making fun of who on Thursday morning when you come to me begging for candy.)

Halloween costume shopping really is quite the process. First you have to brainstorm what you want to be and make sure you can pull it off. Then you have to either find or make (if you actually make your costume, congratulations, you have earned my upmost respect) your costume. This takes AGES because you have to find it in your size and budget. (And, if you're me, this is practically impossible because I don't fit the girl's or the women's costumes. I'm like my own species or something and no stores bother to make me my own clothing line. I should start a revolution. But that's not the only thing that's an issue cause, guess what! I'm broke! Honestly, the only time I don't scrunch my nose at the price tag is when it isn't there).

If you somehow managed to overcome all of this... stop lying to yourself. (Or, you know, tell me how you did it.)

Oh, and make sure you don't wait till the last minute. That happened to me once. It was the night before Halloween (I kid you not) and I decided I wanted to change my costume (which is honestly so typical of me, I should have known it would happen). Thankfully, my neighbors (bless them) gave me the perfect costume. It looked like this:
Related image

(Only differences were that the left sleeve was ripped off, there was more ruffles, and my dress poofed out a lot more. I felt like Barbie. I also tripped every other step I took.)

And, get this, at one of the houses the lady who answered the door took one look at me and said, "Oh my god, that's the dress I wore to prom!". I (someone who has a horrid memory) also think another lady said it was the same dress her daughter wore to prom. Crazy, right?

(It was my neighbor's prom dress. I still can't believe she gave it to me after the night was over. I actually wore it at school once for a project.)

This year I am very pleased with my costume. I kinda wanna surprise everyone but I stink at keeping surprises surprises so here it is!:
Image result for police costume

Happy Halloween costume hunting everyone!

Also, don't forget to watch,
Image result for charlie brown halloween


  1. Hahaha - I loved the voice in this post! Once I waited until the day of, but I was able to get my then 2 years old a super expensive Mickey costume from the Disney Store for $10 - it was awesome!

  2. ok the fact that multiple people in your neighborhood had the same prom dress is hilarious -- awesome post!

  3. This post was so funny! Loved the post.

  4. I can totally relate to what you said about finding the perfect costume in the right size! If only we could have a clothing line personalized for us. That would be great! Good job Alyssa!

  5. I forgot about when you wore a prom dress from the 80s for Halloween! lol

  6. Thank you so much everyone :)

  7. That's really funny and it very original. I can't say that I've seen many people in prom dresses on Halloween.


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