Tuesday, October 23, 2018

A Queen Who's Changing YouTube's Entire Platform by Laramie Kipp

Everyone knows of a celebrity or socialite that people love to hate. Right now a lot of YouTubers have been under constant ridicule and fire because of their past mistakes that have recently come to light. These YouTubers are being blacklisted from brands, ad, and even Youtube itself. Shane Dawson who is a YouTuber himself (calling him a queen is one of his jokes) had created docu-series other internet influencers who have been under fire and odium for their past actions. Shane who has faced a shire number of controversies himself had created a docu-series about the life and scandals of various other socialites. Dawson wasn't trying to defend the Youtuber's actions but, he was trying to tell the audience that your past mistakes don't always defy you. Everyone's made mistakes but, society needs to realize that people can grow and genuinely become a better person. Shane has been under constant ridicule because people are saying that these YouTubers like Jeffrey Star and Jake Paul don't need this kind of positive recognition. Shane's docu-series isn't about making the public forgive these terrible past actions but, to move on from them and see Jake Paul or Jeffery as a real person who makes mistakes. Also, that you shouldn't judge someone's actions before you know the whole story. 
Recently, the media has been divided over Shane making a series with Jake Paul because he is so widely hated. Jake had been unruly towards his neighbors and friends, disrespected authority, and even has had some abuse allegations from his ex-girlfriend. The docu-series first began with Shane questioning a psychiatrist to prove the question that was on everyone's mind: Is Jake Paul a psychopath? The series was originally supposed to dig deeper into Jake's life and find out if one of the biggest YouTuber's on the platform was a psychopath. As the series progressed, the audience was introduced to secrets and scandals from past members of Jake's infamous Team 10. As the series progress, Shane shooed away from answering the infamous question if Jake Paul was a sociopath or not. The last part of Shane's docu-series has aired on October 19th, 2018 and was about 2 hours long. Shane walked through every controversy Jake Paul has ever had and gave Jake a chance to respond to all of the various allegations against him. One of the major concerns many fans had about the series was that Shane was going to get the audience to fall in love with Jake Paul and forgive him for every single thing he's done. But, in this last video, Shane wasn't always on Jake's side about everything. Shane disagreed with how Jake would always promote his merchandise to his young fans because he felt Jake was unintentionally brainwashing his viewers. So, Shane decided to give Jake some advice. At the end of this eye-opening and powerful episode, the viewers started to understand the many layers of Jake Paul and that before you judge someone's actions you should always know the full story.

 By: Laramie Kipp


  1. i love shane this series was so good

  2. This is interesting - maybe I"ll check it out.

  3. This is very interesting! Thank you for bringing this to light for me.

  4. I have just went down a rabbit hole.


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