Thursday, September 27, 2018

Why this summer sucked

      Everybody's out here talking about how the summer of 2018 was one of the best ever. Respectfully, how? It rained a lot and when it wasn't humid, it was stiflingly hot and dry. I had tennis clinics every other day which weren't bad because I got to see everyone that wasn't in my classes that much during the year. Overall though, this summer wasn't amazing. I worked a lot and if I wasn't there or at tennis, I was sleeping because my hot room made it impossible to sleep at night. Everybody was away on vacation all summer and I barely got to see any of my friends. In addition, there was a lot of mounting pressure for the upcoming school year because we're not freshmen anymore, colleges are looking, the time for making mistakes is in the past now. And for some reason that gives teachers the idea that we like sitting inside for hours and doing three different assignments about the founding of America. What's the point of summer, if not to be doing homework?

      Fall, in theory, is a better season. Football games, transitioning from iced coffee to hot (my preferred type), Halloween, seeing everyone again after going back to school. However, fall brings with is cold weather, possibly the thing I hate most in the world. See, I can't survive in cold weather. Every time I even think of a patch of ice I slip and fall. I see a flake of snow fall outside and immediately get hypothermia, even from inside my heated house. I want to beat up every snowman I see. So while fall has a lot of good things about it, every time I leave my house I'm reminded by falling leaves that winter is coming, along with the end of the tennis season, and the start of swim season. If you can't tell, I don't like swim season. The first few months is always the hardest in regard to classes, due to everyone still adjusting to their new teachers' learning styles.
     Even though fall isn't one of my favorite seasons, this fall has been pretty good to me. Much better than summer. I reconnected with a lot of my old friends, I'm adjusting to my classes well and excelling in tennis. And although I like wearing shorts the best, sweaters and jeans are a close second so its okay I guess. For now. Until the cold weather comes back from war to personally harass me.


  1. Honestly, summer was fine, but I didn't go outside unless I left the state so I can't really comment on that :P. I personally do agree about the cold weather, but then you are forgetting snow days! Don't forget about those!

  2. The summer weather was terrible this year...

  3. You're so right the weather this summer was terrible

  4. I can relate to this because the weather really was bad. Hopefully next summer is better.

  5. gotta agree on this, fall is 10x better than summer, plus this summer just flat out sucked...

  6. humid weather sucks but is so much better than cold weather so def agree on that one.

  7. Ok winter is such a good season don't diss the cold weather my guy. Also you spent a lot of this summer with me, and I made it great, so don't even lie to yourself like that


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