Thursday, September 20, 2018

Why Fall Is the Best Season By Noah Fischer

Halloween is the best holiday and Fall is the best season, no doubt. Except for school starting, there is nothing bad about Fall. What's not to love about pumpkin spice (basic I know) returning, Fall colors coming back, days getting a little shorter and a little colder? 

You get to wear hoodies all the time again
Image result for pastel purple hoodies

The leaves turn pretty colors again
Image result for fall trees

You can go to fair grounds and go pumpkin picking, and do corn mazes again
Image result for pumpkin patch
Image result for corn maze

And best of all, it's spooky season once more.

Everything about spooky months (which do start at the end of August) are great. Scary movies are coming out, and there are marathons on TV again. In addition to pumpkin picking, pumpking carving is happening again, you get to decorate your house, and Halloween stores and haunted houses are open again. You get your Halloween costume, which you've been thinking about since November first of last year. Then on Halloween, not only do you get free candy, but it's the one day of the year you get to be anything or anyone except yourself. I am being Spiderman this year, so that's going to be great. For all of those reasons there is no doubt in my mind that Halloween is the best holiday, and Fall is the best season. 


  1. Very cool that you're dressing as Spiderman! My daughter wore a Spiderman costume for months a few years ago.

  2. You offer a very compelling argument about why fall is "the best season" (agree to disagree) and I really love that you're dressing up as Spiderman!

  3. I love spooky season! Your argument was written really well! (P.S My favorite Spiderman is Tom Holland).

  4. Spooky season is the best season. By far the best season. I also love Spiderman so much!

  5. 100% agree, love the maze picture you chose. Would 10/10 get lost in it


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