Thursday, September 20, 2018

Shortest Summer Ever by Lily Loewen

This summer might have been the shortest summer of my life. Last year was extremely stressful, and I needed a long summer to refuel and get ready for sophomore year, but I got just the opposite. Last school year ended June 30, which is normally two weeks already into summer on a normal year. When the summer started, I was so relieved as my first ever high school finals were over, and once summer started I jumped right into my vacation. I had as many sleepovers and hangouts with my friends as I could get because I knew this summer was going to be a short one, but I didn't let that stop me from having a great vacation. In July I spent most of my time with my family in Wildwood Crest where we stay at the beach. We went to the beach as much as we could, but by the end of July the weather started to get really bad with rain and wind. Even in the rain we would still have fun, though. We went fishing and crabbing, we went to the pool, and even on some bad days we would still hang out at the beach. My cousins and I also went to the boardwalk almost ever night which was so fun. But once July ended, and I was back home with my friends in Sparta, volleyball season started. We would have practices every day and a few scrimmages and even a tournament, which our team did very well in and go to the semis. Very quickly I could feel summer settling down and everyone started preparing to go back to school already. I just kept feeling it was too soon, though. I felt like we just got out of school and now we were already coming back.

Finally, the dreadful day came. All the summers before this one I was ready to get back to school, but this one was just so different. There were so many things I wanted to do this summer that I never got to. I wanted to go to the beach with my friends one day, and another time with my cousins. I wanted to go to New York with my friends, also and finally go to the sugar factory. But none of that ever happened. I just needed one more week of summer, but before I knew it I was walking back into school, where I felt like I just left. I wasn't ready for the work, assignments, tests, and quizzes. Once I walked into school, I felt like just yesterday I was taking my last final, and nothing had changed. But now as it is more into fall, I'm getting used to the weather, and school, even though it did take me awhile. Although, in the beginning of fall I was dreading it, now I'm so excited for it. I can't wait to wear jeans, sweaters, and get pumpkin spice lattes, and I love all the football games. I also can't wait for Halloween. So even though this summer went by way too fast, and it was way too short, I'm kind of happy that it is fall time.

1 comment:

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