Thursday, September 20, 2018

Summer Memories by Becca Lefkowitz

As I head to my locker after the last bell has rung, marking the end of my first day of sophomore year. I can't help feeling overwhelmed, relieved, and a bit excited at the same time. Which causes me to conclude that summer is officially over, I am paged with sadness. Yearning for weekends. Yearning for the holidays. Yearning for summer. Yearning for anything but school.

As my mixed emotions flood through me, I look back on my summer, and a great deal of enjoyment I had. One of my greatest memories being my birthday, July 5. My whole family (grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins), with the exceptions of my parents, drove down to my grandparents' beach house in Ensenada, Mexico.

I remember the long hours we spent at the beach swimming, building sand castles, tanning, and my favorite, digging holes in the sand. There is a volcano near the beach and underneath the sand, there is hot water which rises with steam. My cousins and I will spend hours digging up the sand making the largest hole we possibly can until our bodies want to give out on us.
These are the holes filled with hot water from the volcano that we made
(p.s. this is not me)

I remember our late nights filled with card games, and how heated they would get as we gamble for money. Or how Mexico has the best fish tacos ever. Or how my uncle would drive around in his truck letting us kids ride in the trunk.

Or how we would take long walks on the beach during the sunrises and sunsets. Or how we would visit the little shops in the area. Or how awesome it was to explore my culture. But most importantly, how amazing it was to spend time with my family.

As I shut my locker, pack my things, and say goodbye to Summer. I am upset but also excited for what is to come of me, and all that I will accomplish this year.

Of course pictures were taken!!

My gorgeous mom & I dancing at my grandfathers birthday party in Ensenada. He got a Spanish band and everything!!!!
Who doesn't love sunsets???!!!

My aunt, grandma, and I all filled with smiles on our faces from the 2 mile walk we had just completed along the beach 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Seems like a great time! I wish I could see all the pictures!

  3. awwwww Becca this is so cute! I want to go to Mexico so bad now!

  4. This is so cute but where was my invite to come with you?


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