Wednesday, September 19, 2018

How The End Of My Summer Was One To Remember By: Jenna Blandina

This summer was definitely way too fast for my liking, as it feels like we were just completing our final exams a week ago. As much as I really wanted summer to last for a lifetime, it was nice to come back and see all of my friends again. Being someone who loves when schedules come out, getting school supplies, and finding the perfect outfit for the first day of school, I was anxious to come back the first week in September. As the Monday went by, then Tuesday, I was not sleeping because of first day excitement. My week was going perfectly as I got the perfect outfit and had all of my notebooks organized, so I decided to top off the week with a haircut. This might have been the worst experience of my life after what happened next. 

I was all ready for my first impression of sophomore year to be great, just when I show up to school with a giant mark on my forehead. Where I got this giant wound I will tell you now. I was finished with my hair cut and my hairstylist decided to curl my hair just for fun. Now I can guess you have already figured out where this is headed (ha get it). Just as she is making the fourth curl, she by accident hits my head with the iron. At first I didn't feel a thing, so I thought it would not be a big deal, so I didn't even bring it up (this was my first mistake). As she is taking her time curling piece after piece, my head starts to itch and really hurt. This hurt wasn't like anything I have experienced before because I couldn't tell if it was all in my head, or if my head was actually hurting. Finally when she curls the last hair, I can feel the water starting to build up underneath my eyes. I keep telling myself to hold the tears in, as they are all ready streaming down my face. I quickly ran to my car and just wanted the pain to go away. The mark on my face at this moment was barely noticeable, but as the day went by, the invisible mark turned into a plumb purple burn. Wednesday rolled by, and as soon as I knew it, it was Thursday September 6th, the first day of school. I walked into school and all of my friends immediately were asking what was on my head. I told them the story, and they all felt so bad for me. Now you might be thinking, Jenna, why didn't you just put makeup on it? This is what I was thinking too, except I was not allowed to put anything on it because I could get an infection. 

Fast forwarding, here I am today with a non purple mark on my head, just slightly discolored. I am alright, except for the fact that I had to take school pictures with a burn on my head and my ideal perfect first day was ruined. Being that I had this mark on my head for picture day, when looking back in the yearbook in my years to come, I will always remember that day and the feelings associated with it. As I will remember those feelings, I will also be laughing at myself because now it's a story to tell. 

Below is the lovely picture I took of myself the day I got burned.


  1. Aw Jenna I bet your school pictures still looked good

  2. Funny story. It looks as if there was nothing ever there now!

  3. Aw Jenna! It got so much better, now!

  4. I would have cried, too! But you healed quickly!


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