Friday, September 21, 2018

Fishing in Maine by Thomas Schwarzrock

This summer my family and I stayed on Frye island on Sebago Lake in Maine. The house we co-own with relatives has a small beach on the lake. The water was crystal clear, and was pretty cold, which was refreshing as we stayed the week of a heat wave. We have a boat, so we water-skied, wake boarded, and tubed on the lake for hours. As well as swimming and doing things on the water, I also partook in a game of golf. The island has a 9 hole golf course, with a lounge and sport shop. Granted, I am no Tiger Woods, so throughout the course I lost a couple golf balls. However, I did hit one hole for par, which I thought was pretty cool. While I enjoyed golfing and enjoying the lake, my favorite part of the trip was was the fishing trip we took on the lake. We got up at about 4 AM, (My dad, brother and me) and I jumped in the lake to wake myself up. We loaded up two Aluminum boats we found under the deck of the house with our stuff and we headed out, Me and my brother in one boat, my dad in the other. It was a cloudy, misting Tuesday, so no one was out on the water, which made for ideal fishing conditions. When we came to a good location, I was given the command to drop the anchor. I looked down, and picked up the anchor and rope. I saw a rope tied to the handle of the boat and assumed it connected to the anchor,  as there was a tangle of ropes on the floor. I threw the anchor in and let the rope flow through my hands, waiting for the anchor to hit the bottom. It was then that the last of the rope slipped through my hands, and the anchor kept sinking, leaving me looking over the edge of the boat in shame. After that, we had to stay along the bank, making our way partially around the lake. It was calm, cool, and we were catching fish, which made for a good time. Towards the end I had my best catch, at about 20 inches long, so after that we called it a day. My time in Maine was fun, and I hope to go back again next year.


  1. That is a big fish! I have this strange fear of fish, they make me shiver.

  2. Nice catch, I'm not a big fishing person, but that's impressive from my perspective. Too bad about your anchor.

  3. That's a pretty fine fish you got there.

  4. Sorry about your anchor, that's a really cool fish. I'd like to visit Maine some day

  5. Sounds like fun, I have always wanted to fish more.

  6. That golf course had to be beautiful on an island. Congrats on the par you made.


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