Thursday, September 20, 2018

First Day of School By Maura O'Hare

     Ugh. The first thing I always do when I wake up is check my phone to see everything that happened while I was asleep. I looked at the time and date which read 5:30 am, September 6th. It was the first day of school. I dropped my phone and threw my face in my pillow. This wasn't happening. There was no way that summer is already over. Is this a joke? It feels as if it was only a week ago when summer had started. I heard some footsteps heading toward my room. "First day!" said my mother who for some reason looked like she had been up for hours, with a bright smile on her face. I groaned. I slowly brought my legs to the side of my bed and tried to stand up. Although when I did this my body seemed to agree with me. 1 more hour of sleep, please.

     I finally reached the bathroom where I looked in the mirror. Sophomore year, I thought to myself. The year where nothing, literally nothing happens. We aren't the freshman anymore but we aren't upperclassmen. I started to brush my teeth, wash my face and brush my hair. Yikes. I straightened my hair. I tiptoed back into my room. The floor of my room is the ceiling to my parents room, and my dad was still sleeping. I put on my romper I had laid out the night before, and did my makeup. By the time all this was done it was already 6:10. I went to the kitchen, had a quick breakfast and realized I had practice after school. I went back upstairs to pack a string bag with a T-shirt, shorts, sports bra and running sneakers. 6:20. We said goodbye to my mom and then my sisters and I walked down to the bus stop. My bus pulled up at 6:30. I walked on to see there was no seats open. I guess the incoming freshman class was pretty big cause I probably identified 5 of the kids and sophomores and juniors. After the 20 minute ride to school, I felt my stomach start to turn. I wasn't nervous, for I came here last year. I knew how to get around. I was just really dreading starting a new year. I threw on a fake smile and walked into the cafeteria to see it loaded with familiar faces.

     Homeroom was fine, it was the same as last year. First period I had science, and it wasn't all that bad. I had some friends in it and my teacher was very nice. Second period. I walked into the photography classroom to see my boyfriend which did bring a smile to my face. I was very excited for this class, I always did like photography. Third period I made my way up the stairs to English. I entered the classroom and my face lit up. There were those trampoline chairs, aka the most comfortable things in the world. I ran to one because they were being taken by the second. Ah. A sigh of relief came out as the teacher started the lesson. This was going to be a good class. Period four I was almost late to. I had to run from upstairs all the way to the chorus wing. I did have the same music teacher as freshman year, but the class seemed very different. No one was paying attention and the whole 45 minutes we were just getting yelled out. I stared at the clock. The bell rang as I jumped out of my chair and nearly sprinted to the cafeteria. On the first day everyone had to pick their new seat, so it was like a zoo that had let all the animals loose. I grabbed a table to save for my friends.

     It was now the afternoon and I sat in the Spanish room listening to my teacher ramble on about her summer. "Como estabas el verano, Maura?" I heard in the back of my head. Shoot. "Muy buien." I stated, the first thing that came to my mind. Once Spanish class ended, I made my way to history: boring. Then gym, which all we did was sit on the bleaches for a good 46 minutes. Finally it was last period, Math, and it went by pretty fast. I could hear the ticking of the clock, counting down the seconds to 2:24. The bell rang and I ran to my locker to grab my string bag and hurried to the gym. I had cross country practice, which wasn't great after a long school day, but I was used to it.

    Practice didn't last for that long, and I got a ride home from a friend and we got ice cream. I felt relieved that the day was coming to an end, until I remembered I already had homework in 3 classes. After dinner, I laid in my bedroom, showered and ready for tomorrow. I ended my day watching Season 5 of Glee, the best show on Netflix. It was 11 pm when I finally decided to shut down (probably not the best idea.) I closed my eyes and after 5 seconds on thinking of tomorrow, I heard a noise. Wait. My alarm clock beeping! 5:30 am, September 7th. Oh god.

Some Summer Memories.....

A trip to VA this summer to visit a college for my sisters. 

Ocean City Maryland
                                                                    Camp out !
                                                                     First Day :(((((
                                                                    Cross Country...
                                                                     The Lake
                                                                 Jersey Shore Day trip
                                                                     The County Fair


  1. You and your sisters could be triplets!

  2. This was so relatable especially what you said about sophomore year I totally agree

  3. Whoa, that cross country picture is so relatable and I look like that after every race as well!


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