Thursday, September 27, 2018

Fallen Leaves

Fallen Leaves

by, Jenna Marie

*Forgive my voice. It's no Grammy Award winner I know (there's a reason I'm a violinist and not a part of a choir), but I thought the lyrics had to be put to music to really appreciate it. Also, please note that there are many out of tune notes and the background music was a last minute composition, so it's not exactly perfect nor professional recording material (I am very sorry for any mistakes that may have occurred. They're still kind of bothering me, not going to lie, but it was so painstaking to record and I/'m too lazy to do it again, so here goes)*

The leaves are gold this time of year
There’s nothing dark, nothing to fear
My mental walls are broken down
Before I know it I’m prepped to drown

‘Cause the leaves are bound to fall eventually
And when they fall they leave you cold and bare
With each drop feelings are freed from me
This time I’ll build my walls stronger I swear

But the leaves are gold this time of year
And there’s nothing dark, nothing to fear
I hang onto this golden rope
I hang on until I choke

For the leaves are bound to fall eventually
And when they fall they leave you cold and bare
Forevermore I shall be free
No more cycles of endless despair

For I’ve been fooled time and time again
That autumn will not ever end
But every time I’ve come to hold it dear
The leaves all fall and winter’s here

Well the leaves are gold this time of year
But there’s something dark, something to fear
For the leaves will fall down after all
I can’t trust them anymore


  1. You’re not allowed to be this talented and your voice is flipping operatic unacceptable I loved it

  2. Jenna- This is amazing! Thanks for sharing it. Did you write the words as well?

  3. Your singing is amazing and the words are so unique its awesome!

  4. I love this! It's so creative and you must have put a lot of time into this.

  5. 1. I'm loving the Lord of the Rings/Floyd vibe.
    2. Amazing lyrics + the music was fantastic as well -- it sounds like an actual produced song! (What did you use to put it together? Garage band? Lmk.)
    3. My bestie is super talented and she'd better not make me wait too long for the album to drop. ;)

  6. I love my talented af emo fav + I second soph's album comment


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