Why are teenagers the way that they are?
Adults try to wrap their heads around the actions of teenagers. However, they constantly end up with out any real answers. Which is odd considering they were teenagers once too. But even myself, as a teenager, don't understand why I am the way that I am. I don't understand why we, as teenagers, are treated the way we are. Let me just say I have a lot of questions.
Why do I put so much pressure on myself when my parents just want me to "try my best"?
Why are we constantly encouraged to think about our futures yet told to live in the moment?
Why do I care so much about what others think?
Do I really need their approval?
Why do I care about how many people like a picture I posted?
Do their likes give me validation?
Did it even happen if I didn't flaunt it on social media?
And as much as I tell myself it really doesn't matter, I find my mind drifting to these thoughts. Needing their approval. Craving acceptance.
But isn't that normal?
Don't we all want a group that accepts us for who we are?
Or is it just me?
Why do we feel alone when a peer can tell us how they are experiencing the same exact thing?
How can you feel so lost and isolated in a world filled with seven billion people?
The media is constantly sending us mixed signals. I'll see one post promoting body positivity and another with only tall, skinny models.
Am I not beautiful if I don't look like a Victoria's Secret angel?
We are constantly told to love the body we were born in. To embrace how unique we are.
But how do I do that?
And one thing I know the answer to, is I'm not the only one who feels this way.
Why do my beautiful best friends constantly tell me how ugly they are?
Why don't they see who I see?
Why is it routine to look in the mirror and immediately point out our flaws?
Why do so many gorgeous young ladies hate what they see in the mirror?
Why do so many gorgeous young ladies refuse to take compliments?
The compliments they deserve. They tell us it's what's on the inside that counts.
Then why are so many gorgeous young ladies judged by their appearance?
Isn't it what's on the inside that counts?
At this age we are just starting to figure out what it is that inspires us. What our opinions are. What we are passionate about.
Why are our ideas diminished?
Why are we told to create opinions, but they are only dismissed because of our age?
When will we be taken seriously?
Why do adults have such high expectations of us, but if I have a strong opinion on something, I'm only a kid?
There is clearly a lot I question as a teenager.
But isn't that the point?
Aren't these years for growing?
Figuring out who I am and how the world around me works?
I hope one day I'll fully understand why I am the way that I am.
Teenagers have always been an hard thing to understand!