Thursday, April 11, 2019

Little Things by Sarah McGovern

I love my life.

I love the coffee I drink every morning with hazelnut creamer
and the conversations I have with my dad at the worn out kitchen table while I drink it. 

I love the way my stomach hurts from laughing too much,
the way only my best friends can make me laugh at the dumbest things.

I love how easily I forgive and the countless second chances I have given
because the amount of times it may have hurt me is worth it just for him to be in my life again. 

I love how the windows in my room look out to the woods
and the trees are the first thing I see when I wake up. 

I love the feeling of serenity I get watching the sunset from my back deck
and sitting around the fire pit with my family on summer nights.

I love playing my music too loud 
and getting lost in it just for a moment. 

I love taking my makeup off and looking in the mirror,
finally feeling confident in who I am. 

I love looking up at the stars,
letting myself become consumed by the thought of how small my problems are compared to everything.

I love the realization that where I am right now 
is somewhere I never thought I'd be and being overwhelmingly thankful that I got through it.

I love making the decision to be happy 
and letting go of things that are bad for me because life is way to short.

I love all the little things because at the end of the day
the little things add up and make life so amazing,


My Earliest Memory by Emma Cerra

When thinking back to my earliest memory, I wonder why I remembered it. It’s a really odd memory, hazy to the point where I feel like it cou...