The human race has officially sent the entire world into the biggest quagmire of all time. The United Nations has declared that we have 12 years to get a grip on climate change before the world ends. Climate change is no longer something that can be denied because, according to the UN, if greenhouse gas emissions are not reduced by at least 45% by 2030 the planet is doomed.
Opponents may argue that this idea is far fetched or will cost far too much money but we cannot put a price on our planet. Drastic measures must be taken immediately in order to save our lives, the lives of our children, the ecosystem, and ultimately the entire planet. We only have 12 years. It's time to make a change.
Capitalism is the root of all evil.If we don't implement this the world will be doomed before you can say tHe GrEeN nEw DeAl iS sOcIaLiSm.
ReplyDelete@Thomas Dean