Friday, March 22, 2019

I Can't Be Spared? by Jessica Steel

I Can't Be Spared?

3 days
That's all I missed
3 days
Lost to school trips

4 days 
Spent in Disney 
1 day 
At some college in Jersey

3 days
I missed four exams
2 days
I missed because of my opportunities in band

2 days
I was sick on my mini vacation
2 days
keeping water down became my vocation

1 day
Spent at an engineering competition
1 day
Wasted on defeated ambitions

4 days
That I missed lacrosse
4 days
I am currently paying the cost

How stressful my life must be
When I miss 5 days 
And it feels like I've been gone forever 
When I miss 5 days 
On a minor endeavor 

My to-do list is 35 items long
Growing each day 
It will probably take a couple weeks to get back on track
What's having free time good for anyway?

It's sad that I can't have a break
Which is why I am always sick
Because I don't have time to get better
Life's a... jerk

So this current event in my life
That seems like a fun and exciting opportunity
Has caused nothing but days overflowing with work
What a pity.

3 days
I can't be spared for 3 days?
Image result for life comic


  1. This is so accurate. I always try to think positively about things, but sometimes, life does like to hit you with a spiked club, and boy does it hurt!

  2. Same... I missed a week two months ago, and I was sooooo busy. I then almost caught up, and I only had two more assignments to complete when... BAM. I got sick again and was out another week. My to-do list was wild. I'm still making things up.

  3. I hate reading this (although it's very creative) and I know it's true. I wish it was different.

  4. Absolutely AWFUL! I hate missing school. But Disney was worth it. So sorry that you had to get sick.


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