Wednesday, February 27, 2019

My Small But Close Family By Becca Lefkowitz

As many don't know, I am an only child. No, I don't get bored by myself since I'm rarely home due to soccer, work, parisi, school, and managing a social life. Yes, often times I wonder what it would be like to have a sibling, but I am beyond grateful for the love and beauty my small but grand family has to offer me.
So there's.....
My Mom: The most beautiful strong independent women I have ever known. The way she composes herself when being with other people is the type of person I want to become. I look up to her in every aspect possible, from putting on a brave face when dealing with people she's not fond of, or how her laugh makes other people laugh, or how she radiates positive energy, even when she manages to get us lost whenever we are on our own for my soccer tournaments. I have to act as a literal navigator, guiding her, because she somehow manages to get us driving in the wrong direction or end up at an abandoned building in the middle of nowhere. I'm not going to lie she's a mess, but it's hilarious because I know I'm going to turn out just like her, which can be a tad frightening. As lame as it sounds, my mom is my best friend. She is the person I go to when I need to laugh, cry, or rant about absolutely nothing. I am extremely grateful to have such a good relationship with my mom, she may be crazy, and it can be hard to decipher the words she creates, but I wouldn't want it any other way.
                                               My beautiful mom!! hehe peep my doggo

My Dad: Hardworking, dedicated, intelligent, comical, loving, interesting, compassionate (even though he may not admit to it) are just a short list of adjectives to describe my father. He means everything to me. He goes above and beyond to guide and protect my family from any means necessary, I know that he has my best interest at heart whether it's helping me with my math homework, going to father and daughter dances, or ensuring I am given the tools necessary to succeed in life. My dad is the hardest worker I know, which inspires me to continue on and no matter how tough situations may be, not let the stress get the best of me. Along with that, my dad has an infinite amount of "jokes" that he likes to use to cheer up the mood, even in situations where NONE is necessary, he still somehow manages to crack one. I have numerous friends who don't have great relationships with their father's, and I am beyond blessed to have such a wonderful man be an exceptional role model making me want to better myself each and every day. As great of a relationship that I have with him, I feel that I don't say it enough and I hope he realizes, how much I love him.
                Me as a child going apple picking with my dad!! wow I never knew my hair was curlyish!

Clifford Junior: The cutest golden retriever out there. He LOVES to play, especially with his lacrosse ball. On summer days he enjoys sitting on top of our driveway, lowering the ball from his mouth onto the pavement, watching it roll down slowly, as one of us frantically sprints down the driveway in means to stop the ball from getting run over or before he goes chasing after it, resulting in a car crash. Not only is he playful but he also gives unconditional love at the most perfect times. If he sees me on edge about to burst into tears, he frolics up to me wagging his fluffy tail ready to spring upon me covering me with kisses. CJ is by far my favorite dog we've ever had because I connect so well with him because he likes to follow me wherever I go keeping me company, as well as allowing me to talk to him upon hours with no sass!!!
 He doesn't even need us!! He loves to walk himself!!!

Zoey: She's the newest addition to the Lefkowitz family, at 11 months old. She's a piece of work especially when she digs into my trash can ripping up used tissues leaving a trail around the house, or when she digs into our dirty laundry hiding our socks and underwear, causing us to go on a search around the house. This might sound crazy, but she talks!! No not with words, but with noises!! Whenever she's laying down on the floor, and we are carrying on around the house she will open her mouth as if to yawn, when instead a screeching noise comes out, that sounds like "meeeeep." It's so strange the way she tries to communicate with us, and ensure that we don't forget about her. But honestly how can we when our stuff is scattered all over the house.
                         This is baby Zoey!!! Believe me, she may look cute but deep down she's evil!!

Granted my family is extremely small being that I am an only child, but I'm never lonely with my amazing parents to guide me through any obstacles life throws my way with my beautiful goldens  trailing behind.
                                                           hehe awwww my pups!!!


  1. Cutest and sweetest thing ever! Love it! :))

  2. Such a beautiful tribute to your family and excellent voice used in your writing! BTW- I think when a man becomes a father, someone secretly give him a book of Dad jokes, because they all have them! : )

    1. I don't know what this book is you're referring to....someone will need to give it to me

  3. I agree, I love this as a tribute to your family! The dogs are super cute too! This was such a lovely post!


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