Wednesday, February 20, 2019

My Mom, my Best Friend. By Gianna Gorvan

   In my life, I have been blessed with a mom who is also my best friend. I know, this is such a cliche that every teenage girl says, but I truly mean it. Now, my mom had me very young and that is something I am extremely grateful for. Having my mom as a mother is like having a sister who is just slightly older than me, sure this has its downfalls but the good always outweighs the bad.
   Like any set of best friends, we go shopping, more often than most and than I am sure Dad would like us to-- but that doesn't stop us, we go out to eat, take 9000 selfies every day, we even dress alike. I have a lot of friends who I consider "best friends," but, no offense friends, my mom tops all of you. I know that no matter what I go through, who I talk to, she will always be there. She always has been there, through all of my spurts of anger and tears of joy, which is one trait that I aspire to inherit from her. She is the kindest person I have ever met. We fight like crazy, only because we are basically the same exact person, but at the end of the day we always end our disagreements with her showing me some act of kindness towards me. I can only hope to have the willpower to show people nothing but love, even when I want to scream in their faces.
   I spend more time with my mom than I spend with anyone else. Not just because we live together, but because I enjoy spending time with her. She is a fun person to be around, she makes me laugh and smile when I think that all I want to do is cry, and she knows just how to comfort me. I cannot say thank you enough times for everything, for letting me play my 'awful' music every time I step foot in the car, for letting me steal all of her clothes literally everyday, for not freaking out when I scream at the top of my lungs, and for funding and fully supporting my shopping addiction, because we all know that it is very real. I am a handful, I know, but for some reason my mother treats me like gold, which makes my heart so happy and me realize just how lucky I am.
  My mother has given me the world since I was born. She has put me first in every single situation and I am so eternally lucky to be able to say that, as I know there are some children who do not have the luxury of having a relationship with their moms. Yes, my mom has told me "No," I am not a spoiled rotten brat, but I have to admit that I am spoiled. My mother doesn't ask a lot of me, not even for me to clean my own room, except on the occasion that we have company over. All she asks is that I "continue to get good grades" and that I be kind and respectful to those around me, and myself. I am appreciative for this because she pushes me and makes me want to do my best so that I can continue living the life I am, but also continue to make her proud. I know that she doesn't just take me to get my nails done or drive me to the mall and chauffeur my friends around because she feels like it, because I know there are millions of other things she could be doing, but whatever her reasoning for giving me all of these luxuries is, I want to show her that I notice it and appreciate it.
    Mom, if you see this I hope you realize I think the world of you. You are the reason for majority of my smiles, my laughs, and a small percentage of my tears, whoopsie daisy. You push me to be a better version of myself and radiate the light inside of me to all those around me. I wish everyone were like you, I truly do. You are my biggest inspiration and role model, but most importantly you are my very best friend. I know this might have made you cry, which I apologize for, but thank you for all you do, from the bottom of my heart. I could not imagine any other mother doing the things you do for me or making me, and the rest of the family, so happy 24/7. You are the best in not only my eyes, but many others' too. You are someone special, and I will be more than grateful to inherit any quality you hold. 
Thank you for everything, Mamma, I love you with all of my heart. 

Some pieces from our selfie collection:



  1. G - Such a loving post and you are very lucky to have a best friend Mom! I hope you show this to her! Beautiful!


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