Friday, November 30, 2018

The Noise By Nick Furnari

Eyes bound open into nothing.
Waiting, just waiting for something.
Like a car or a plane,
Anything to ease my brain.

My ears are ringing louder,
The noise, like explosions of gunpowder.
I can't focus, I can't concentrate
Even thoughts won't formulate

My mind is empty, but wide awake.
Please make it stop, for goodness sake.
Through endless night, and timeless day,
I can never keep this pain away.

The noise inside me without escape,
My ears will always be agape
I'm eternally trapped in this confused state
Help me please, I can no longer wait.

I take a breath and find a clue
This song is strongest when sound is few
While the noise continues like a compactor
I realize that sound isn't a factor

The physiological tune without any emotion,
Are the constant waves of the ocean.
If only sound could continue forever,
Or maybe cease, altogether.

My brain is fried but I found the solution,
The problem, cause, deceiver, and resolution
The noise that is louder than all other
Is no noise at all but rather the other.


Image result for silence

Image result for silence screams louder than words

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  1. This poem was so amazing! It’s so well written and I love how you used such creative and unique descriptions to describe silence!!!!

  2. It's so jarring reading a piece about the void after writing something dedicated to spring's birth and what its life holds. This was very well made, I adore the word choices!

  3. This was really powerful and I'm very impressed! Well done!


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