Friday, November 2, 2018

The Caravan To A New Life

         Recently, there has been a huge caravan in Central America. On October 12th, a group of 160 people in a Honduran City, San Pedro Sula, gathered together to take a bus, finding a way out of the criminal-filled city, to a new, safe place: The United States or Mexico. The criminal levels around Honduras and Guatemala has been growing exponentially and families want to leave for a safer place and for employment reasons. Families are also applying for asylum: the protection granted by a nation to someone who has left their native country as a political refugee. In a BBC news article, a Honduran native says "It's our dream to reach the United States, we want to give our children a better future and here we can't find work". 
          Over the past couple weeks, the caravan has grown to around 7,000 Hondurans and Guatemalans that are looking for a new life in the United States or Mexico. The number decreased when the people of the caravan were offered asylum in Mexico, or just turned back. The migrants are at a constant risk of being taken by the police or by gang members that will make them work for their group. They are also at a risk of dehydration and sunburns because they have to walk for long periods of time. Food is a problem because they will eventually run out, but occasionally, a local group of people provide them with food.
            Eventually when the migrants reach the Untied States Border, by law, their asylum claims will have to be heard. The only problem keeping the migrants from being applied to asylum quickly is our government. The Turn-Back Policy that was made keeps the migrants from applying to asylum because it rejects them if they're applying for gang-related problems or domestic abuse (which is over half the migrants' reasons). This caravan also attracts the attention of President Donald Trump. He doesn't want anyone coming through and is even threatening to stop foreign aid to Honduras and Guatemala if the caravan doesn't dismember itself. He is also sending over 4,000 troops down to the border of Guatemala and Honduras to prevent more people from coming over. 
            Since this event hasn't dissolved yet and is a hot topic for the news and media, only time will tell of what happens to these Dreamers and if they are going to be sent back to their countries. It is truly saddening to see how much Donald Trump, our leader, is so heartless and so inconsiderate towards these migrants, calling them criminals. I was born in Guatemala and to see him treating the people of Guatemala like this is offensive and disgusting. These people are just looking for a better life and that is what America offers. I hope at least a few migrants will get the amazing opportunity they seek in this country and make the best out of it. 

Image result for caravanImage result for caravan


    1 comment:

    1. Wow- this is interesting, sad and amazing all at once. These poor people must be running from a truly terrible situation to risk all that they are risking. -Include your name so we know who wrote this!


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