Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Thanks By Gianna Gorvan

   It is finally November. Only one more week until Thanksgiving. This time of year makes me realize how truly lucky I am, and not just on Thanksgiving. In the spirit of the holiday, I recognize how much I have been given in my life; friends, family, and experiences. I could not be happier to live the life I do. The life I was put into is one that I am genuinely grateful to be apart of. 

   To my dear friends, thank you. Thank you for teaching me my self worth. I would not be the person I am today without you. I wouldn't have the same sense of humor, the same happiness, or the same confidence if it were not for you all. You have taught me that there are good people in the world, people who want the best for you, and will fight for you and with you. You are all worth so much to me and I don't think there is any way to break our bond.

  To my family, there are not enough words to describe the amount of thanks I have for you. I have been lucky enough to grow up in a large, crazy family which has given me more unconditional love than imaginable. I have been given the blessing of having family members of all ages with all different ideas that they are able to share with me which has shaped me into the person I am. As crazy as the DeMuro-Gorvan 'clan' may be, I am more than happy to be a part of it. I would not trade it for the world. Thank you for providing me with the everything and for encouraging me every step of the way. I hope you know that you have given me every ounce of perseverance in my body, you are the drive behind it all. I love you all eternally.  

   My experiences, somethings that have changed me for the better. I am grateful for everything I have experienced so far in my life time and plan to continue my thanks for everything I have yet to experience. The bad days; I am grateful to have been able to go through these and learn that even the worst of times will pass, and that I am stronger than I think. The best of days; I am lucky to know there is something good in each day, some things that are simply unforgettable. School; I have been given the best education able to be provided for me, and because of that I enjoy learning and I want to strive in my academics. My sport. Though it sounds cliche, I really am who I am because of cheerleading. It has brought me through so many ups and downs, it has taught me so many lessons. I have made unbreakable bonds that would not have even began if it weren't for this sport. Thank you cheerleading for making me realize the greatest moments in life need to be worked for and can be done only with the help of others. 

   Thanksgiving is a time of year for giving thanks, (it's in the name), but it should not be the only time we stop and think about what is important to us and what means the most to us. As a society, we need to focus on what we love more than once every few weeks during a holiday. Instead of using Thanksgiving only as a time to post on social media about how grateful we are, let's use everyday to tell everyone we are thankful for just that. Tell everyone how grateful you are on Thanksgiving, but do not let it stop there. 

Image result for turkey


  1. this is so sweet, enjoy your thanksgiving!

  2. A great reflection and one that we should all remember each day!

  3. awe i love how you listed and described everything that's important to you (which is obviously me, LOL)

  4. It is sometimes easy to forget how fortunate we all are. Especially around the holidays, we should express our thanks for everything that we have.


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