Friday, November 30, 2018

Some Haikus By Noah Fischer

Creative writing is the only writing I enjoy and also the type of writing I'm worst at so these are some haiku's about random topics.

My first one is going to be pretty meta, I'll write it about the rules of a haiku for those who don't know (the numbers are referring to syllables, but I didn't have enough to specify that)

First and last have five
Middle line has got seven
That is a haiku

Winter really sucks
Snow days make us lose summer
It is very cold

I hate school so much
Teach me something useful please
I can't wait to leave

(Ok, I couldn't fit the word "identity" in the second line, so I shortened it)
I love The Office
Dent. theft is not a joke Jim
I'm telling Michael

Please stop TikTok memes
I already chose McCree
This isn't it chief

Sub to Pewdiepie
He must beat T-Series soon
You must do your part

Image result for seven syllables of a haiku obscured by a vegan hotdog
(this image is a haiku, "seven syllables/of a haiku obscured by/a vegan hot dog", and the haiku is actually being obscured by a vegan hot dog)

Belsnickel is here
Have you been admirable?
Or are you impish?

Shoutout to JacksFilms
He gave me my love for these
Go subscribe to him
Image result for jacksfilms haikus yiay
Christmas time is here
Break can not come fast enough
I need to get out

They did surgery
On a grape they did surger-
Y on a grape wow

Well I ran out ideas real fast, so there are my haikus I hope you've enjoyed.


  1. seven syllables
    of a haiku obscured by
    a vegan hotdog

  2. I declare thee impish

  3. Beautiful... I can only hear haiku's in jacksfilms' haiku song that he always does haikus in now. Also, nice memes.

    Those are nice haikus
    It's snowing on Mount Fuji

  4. please make an entire post of haikus about the office ok thanks

  5. i laughed so hard thanks


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