Wednesday, November 14, 2018

I'm Sorry By Jessica Steel

I'm Sorry

My phone made a sound and my Dad shot me a glare 
I'm sorry, dear father, that I have friends who care 
Who like to talk to me over my phone 
Who invite me to places outside my dear home 

I'm sorry, dear father, that I'm on "electronic weed"
I went on my cell, what a sinful deed 
My good grades must not matter 
Or that spotless, shining disciplinary track record 

I don't go on it during dinner or when we have company 
But, I'm sorry dear father, I did once glance at my phone screen 
I rarely use social media or post anything online 
But I did say hi to my friend yesterday, guess I'll pay for my crime

I'm sorry, dear father, that I don't know how to communicate
Because my phone has rewired my sociological state 
It's gotten to my head
God I think I'm brain dead 
Just call me a vegetable 
Or I think I'd prefer fruit instead 
Does one say hello?
Hi, Hey?
I think I overdosed on this drug
 I'm sorry OK
My mind has been fried 

Well there goes my life line 
The world is fading away 
If only phones didn't exist 
Like back in your day 
I'm sorry, dear father 
Image result for cell phonesImage result for phone zombies


  1. I love the rhyming in this poem!

  2. This is so cool, I love the way it is written.

  3. This is written really well and it's really creative.

  4. I love this poem, especially the structure, it's so good!!

  5. This is excellent and I'm sure many of your peers can relate!

  6. The way this is written makes it so interesting to read. Great poem !

  7. I love how relatable this poem is and how it was written really well.

  8. Great job, Jessica. I hope you don't get in trouble the next time I text you....

  9. This was so unbelievably funny and relatable. Thank you so much for this poem. It was a blast to read.


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