Wednesday, November 28, 2018

I Love The Winter By Emma Sears

     It's only November 28th, but we've already had our first snow day and personally I could not be happier about these circumstances. While most people hate everything winter brings: freezing temperatures, icy roads, and shorter days, I love this snowy season.
     Winter is amazing for a number of reasons, but my favorite thing about winter is the holidays. Christmas is my favorite holiday, and Thanksgiving is not far behind. I love to spend these occasions with my family, whom I don't get to visit as often during other seasons of the year. The holidays add a magical aspect to the winter that isn't around for the rest of the year.
      Another thing that I love about winter is the snow, which brings snow days. The best feeling is to wake up 3 hours later than normal, look outside, and realize you don't have to go to school today. Then, you get to spend the whole day being lazy and watching Netflix, which is an ideal schedule for me.
      Additionally, the winter brings a multitude of fun activities. You can go ice skating, skiing, snowboarding, ride snowmobiles... the list seems never ending, adding to the excitement of winter.
     For these reasons and more, I truly love the winter and all of the excitement and magic it brings into daily life.

Image result for winter
(not my picture)


1 comment:

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