Wednesday, November 28, 2018


There are so many doors in life
To go through them all would be quite a strife
Many will open and let you in
Through those, a new journey will begin

Others will close and block you out
But never scream and shout
Everything happens for a reason
For new adventures, it is the season

Without a door
Life would be such a bore
In our tracks, we would remain stuck fast
And that would certainly not be a blast.

Sometimes the doors are locked
Then you may think you have been blocked
This is most definitely not the case
If you believe in yourself, you can accomplish anything with grace

Eventually, you will find the key
You may not believe me, but one day you'll agree
When you open the correct door it will be miraculous
And trust me, it's not as difficult as calculus. 


  1. You haven;t even taken calculous... but great poem!

  2. this is very inspirational... it would be better if it ended with palabra ;) Love the poem though!

  3. That was actually a really cool poem, and there were a lot of deep meanings to it which I liked! I also liked the ending about calc that was funny, awesome!

  4. FIRE! You were straight spitting those rhymes, good post!

  5. I like the idea. Very creative


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