Monday, November 26, 2018

A Bugs Perspective

A Bugs Perspective, By-Garrett Neuschatz

I thought it would be interesting to share what life is like from the eyes (Possibly Multiple Eyes) of an insect. 

Spider- I sit patiently, unwavering, unmoving waiting for my next victim to fall into my trap. The slightest movement would give myself away. I see a stray fly hovering up and down in the breeze, on a collision course with its unknowing death. I can almost taste it, but I fight to contain my excitement as my meal skirts ever closer. All of a sudden in the blink of my eight eyes the fly collides with my invisible wall, one which it will never leave. I creep over slowly and satisfied to the center of my web. As I wrap my prey I feel victorious. But my work is not done, I weave and create like a tailor, forever expanding my net. For now I can rest but when the morning comes, life will be the same, a solo fight for survival.

Ant- I see my comrades marching around me. An invisible force tells me what job I have, how to do it and where to go. I feel I cannot stop working not now, not ever. Like zombies with no free will me and my brothers march towards the smell of something sweet wafting through the air. I navigate the grass like a dense jungle, creeping closer towards the source of the aroma. I find something other ants could only dream of, a king size snickers bar lying unprotected and glistening in the suns rays. I tell the others of my find with great pride, I know we will have to act quick. Like miniature miners who found gold we begin tearing into the candy at a ferocious pace. I know the colony needs it but a few bites of the savory snack couldn't hurt anyone. The feeling of pure sugar induced glee is stripped away and replaced with terror in an instant, as some godly creature slams down a fist and the ground shakes around me. I see others fleeing, but its too late as am lifted towards the sky. I'm careening towards my doom, so I muster all my bravery and leap. I hit the ground with a thud and scamper away in a moment of pure adrenaline. I never knew it was this scary to be an ant.

Caterpillar- I love my life, not a worry in the world, munching on leaves until my stomach aches and the sun goes down. But today is different as I wriggle around I feel something coming, something new. Today I feel the urge to devour even more food as if I'm preparing myself for some rigorous task ahead. It begins, I curl up with the sense of extreme exhaustion, so extreme that I could sleep forever. There is something encompassing me, an outer layer, a protective shell. Then it all goes dark and time slows to a crawl. A bright light shines down on me as I burst from my cocoon. Something feels odd, almost as if I'm in an entirely new body. I feel an overwhelming sense of wonder and excitement to take on my new life and new form.


  1. i actually love this

  2. garrett this was absolutely insane

  3. This is funny and awesome

  4. Very creative! I love the caterpillar bursting from the cocoon!

  5. This is super creative and I really enjoyed reading it. Awesome!


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