Friday, November 30, 2018

Spring by Ula Bitinaitis

A deity of spring, perhaps a fairy or a God, that's simply the emanate of all things beautiful and new.

     Of course, you would find youth in its embodiment. The epitome of adolescence is unburdened by a mortal shell, and instead lives vivaciously in the purity of an immortal boy. Him, Spring, grows alongside all things, budding flowers that reap viscous dew, pink hatch-lings that press their bodies against their sisters. He is the viscous dew that the blossoms reap, the velvety, fluffed underside of a mother's wing.

      No one has ever beheld such beauty. His whimsical smiles fail to hide the playfulness and mischief of the coming season, for everyone knows when Spring wakes up, childish devilry is inevitable. He is the whisper of a wish into a dandelion, the flower crown of weeds in a school courtyard, he is his own admiration of such loving acts.

      His skin is painted in all colors, and within it beats a golden heart that seeps opalescent ichor. You can see it radiate in his skin, his hands, his eyes, his entirety. He leaves trails of life when he walk, and it bounces off the grounds, the leaves, the animals, endlessly for eternity. So he steps and steps, the paragon of rebirth and zealous childhood devotion. Spring thaws cold minds, and so he touches everything at once. He is the yellow blur on a peach, the thunder of torrential downpours, the vapor of breath slipping through the pouts of one's lips and into the cold.

      They say when he laughs, you can hear the beating wings of a flock of birds. His eyes are familiar because you have seen them time and time again. The way he, though so young, poises himself terribly elegant, balancing entropy and all things orderly, is something to be marveled. He is the lovers' hands that brush against river waters, he is the child's heart etched into bark.

     Spring is emotional, the way all boys are, and when he weeps, his sobs still act as songs, warm and colorful tears rolling over youthful hands as if painted on, and you can see that nothing has ever been tame. You'd have never seen gold eyes so dim, or such lucidity so tainted, with small, slender hands covering a quivering mouth. He is the lotus who has lost its lily-pad, the slit on the ear of a kitten, the flowers that grow beside gravestones.

     Such a fate is difficult, to become the soul of spring, spurring life in all things meant to perish. Is such an act worth it in the end? He will never stop thinking this. Despite his tears, "Of course," the boy would say, resting his head gently on the grass, his bed on the world that he has created.

Picture by Jasogag Photography

Deceit By: Zachary Merold

Six characters appear in a forest, none knowing how they got there, yet everyone knows their objective. You are Hans, an elderly German man with a heavy accent. After taking a look around, you notice a chain link fence traps you, an old cottage in shambles on your right and the remaining area a densely wooded region. You have a pistol and knife in your hands, to be used as defense against those "things". Some call them terrors, others infected, but you personally couldn't care less about their name. Survival is the only thing present on your mind. After scavenging for items, the blackout begins. The lamps through-out the forest lose power, and now your heart races as your search desperately for new fuses. You hear the rip of human flesh and a deafening scream for help as a human life is taken. The other survivors find the remaining fuses and the lamps light up again. The 5 people left are now nervously pointing fingers at each other. Another blackout. This time you watch as a young man transforms into a fleshy beast with gigantic protruding mandibles and soulless eyes. It turns to the woman nearby and pierces her jugular, causing her to bleed out almost instantly. While the beast is occupied with her body, you take this opportunity to look for an escape route. It pinpoints your heartbeat within the foliage and take off after you. Then you see it. A hatch in the ground that leads to the outside world. With all the strength you can muster, you lift open the hatch and jump inside without giving a second thought as to how the other innocents are will escape or how close you were to death. But this time, you have emerged victorious and will live to play another round.
Image result for deceit
(By the way, this story was based off a game some of my friends and I play called Deceit. If your interested, definitely try it out. While it can be pretty scary at times, it's pretty great to spawn as Infected and betray your friends at the very end.)

The Best Fight Scene in Daredevil- Daniel Devine

     Daredevil is a Netflix show based on the Marvel Comics character by the same name, about a blind but super-powered man named Matt Murdock. On the surface Daredevil might seem to be just like any other show about a superhero, but the quality and execution of everything makes it so much more. The strongest part of this show is definitely the entrancingly choreographed fight scenes, with the greatest by far taking place in an episode titled "Cut Man". It's a single fight scene based on a boy that Daredevil has come to rescue. The full scene is shot in one take and lasts over five minutes, with the entire thing being wholly encapsulated in a single hallway leading up the boy being trapped behind a door at the end. Since the scene takes place early in the show's run time, it starts by showing what Daredevil can do with his powers in some interesting ways, such as when he places his hand on the entrance to hear, feel and smell how many people are inside and what weapons they're carrying.
Image result for daredevil end of the hallway scene
    Once the actual fighting begins, it is made clear to the viewer that it won't be an easy fight. For starters, Murdock doesn't just take everyone down, he has to take a few runs at each attacker before they stay down. Along with this, everyone involved gets tired, adding a great deal of realism. However, the strongest aspect of this scene is definitely the after the actual fight has ended, once he reaches the end of the hallway and enters the room with the boy in it. At this point Murdock knows the kid has been terrorized, and he knows he's a guy in a black mask who just beat up piles of people with his bare hands. He takes a moment to remove the mask and reset his face and body language a bit to be less threatening, resulting in one one of the rare times we get to see Murdock take a moment and knowingly go from vigilante to caring human being, allowing the fighting aspects of Daredevil to be used to not only tell the story, but also to advance the viewer's understanding of his character.  

It's STILL November Charlie Brown By: Mikayla Flanz

It's November 30, 2018. 
At the time that I am currently writing this, it's officially two hours until December 1st, so I guess it's socially acceptable to give you and start my New Year's Resolution: Be More Positive (and start my English assignments more than two hours before they are due...). So rather than writing a good four to five paragraphs about how cynical I am once the holidays are over or how much the Christmas and overall, holiday season has changed since I was a kid, I'm gonna spice things up! Because to be quite honest that can be a little depressing and of course it is the holidays.

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Let's start. 
Why I love bitter cold weather, dead and shedding trees in my living room, and spending way too much money on gifts that leave me in the red going into the new year...
Never mind, I already failed by 2019 New Year's Resolution, we're going back to plan one.

Back on the topic of bitter cold weather even before December even begins... Once Halloween is over, (for us sane individuals at least) people start to crave the cozy feeling of pulling out our winter Uggs, plugging in those Christmas lights, and the sight of first snow. Sure, it's exciting to gaze out the window all bright- eyed and hopeful that school will be cancelled or at the very least delayed the following day. But I don't think those people ever lived in the upper Northeast... To us, first snow means first blizzard, which isn't that bad in the concept of it, except when this happens the second week of November. 

Image result for blizzard

Yes, (for those who celebrate) everyone is praying and wishing on every star they find for a white Christmas, but the ironic thing is, for the past few years the only days that aren't similar to the climate to Siberia is over the holiday break, including Christmas Eve and day. Instead, mother nature decides to give us the finger for killing the planet by giving us a crappy hell storm of humidity, clouds, the cold, and torrential rainfall. Yay. Merry Christmas!

But, all in all, despite how much I complain on this blog about... everything, I really do like the holiday season because whether we choose to notice or appreciate them, winter in Sparta has some pretty appreciable attributes. Not limited, but including our German Christmas Market, the Tree Lighting Ceremony, the fact that we get snow at all (even though it's a pain to shovel), and ice skating on the lake. Happy (early) holidays loving readers, let's hope I actually follow through with my New Year's Resolution for my following blog posts!


by Liam Rust
Image result for 7 springbrook trail
A house

He saw his childhood home right around the corner.

Of course, by now, everything had changed. Homes had been remodeled, painted, and demolished. And the wonder of a child had left him. The woods at the end of the road were no longer mysterious and an invitation for adventure. Now, they were just a bunch of trees. The backyards where he played manhunt with his friends weren't battlegrounds to him, but just some poorly maintained lawns.

He stopped the car, the house looming over him, and the roar of the engine came to a stop. There was an eerie silence in the air, punctured only by the sounds of metal as the car settled. That peace was interrupted by his thoughts and memories swirling into his head.

The past months had been tough on him. Just as his life was looking up, he suddenly got laid off from his job, and he and his wife didn't have enough money saved up to last the months it would take to find a new one. Their relationship hadn't been going that well, either, and after the third time he came home late at night after distracting himself with drinking and parties, she finally cracked, and filed for divorce. He didn't blame her, after looking back on it. But, he still had issues.

That's why he was here.

His mother had died of cancer when he was young, and he couldn't remember much about her. The few things he remembered about her, though, were precious. He was at this house today because of one of them.

He couldn't be sure if it was a real memory, or one his mind made op because he hadn't seen her for most of his life. Whichever it was, he really needed it to be true. It was of him and his mother, in the last stages of her cancer when she knew she didn't have much time left. They were sitting in the backyard together, with little shovels and a container. She said that if he ever was in a time of need, if he didn't know what to do, that he should come back and open the container, and all would be well.

The clouds overhead threatened to rain, but he ignored them. He made his way around the path and into the yard, and started to dig.

It took a while, but he finally something hard.

He frantically grabbed it and held it in his hands, like it was going to disappear any second. Tears started to well up in his eyes. He opened it up, and inside it were two items. A photo of him and his mom, with "I love you, forever and always" written in bubbly cursive letters, and a flash drive labeled "For my son."

He got to his car, plugged it into his computer, and pressed play.

Procrastination for the Soul by Maddie DiMarco

Image result for procrastination definition

"Procrastination” sounds awfully silly in my head
But instead of doing homework I’m laying in bed
I don’t want to do the work they give
That’s simply not the way that I want to live

Instead of doing my work yesterday, today, or tomorrow
I can show you what I’m doing with this time I’ve borrowed:

Peeling my clementines, four at a time
Riddling a poem so I can rhyme
Obliging nothing but my imagination
Cutting out any sense of reasonable precaution
Running from the police or a even a mile
Asking all the questions that are worth the while
Starting a fire or maybe my own revolution
Telling the world we’re tired of their word pollution
Inciting love for everything but wickedness and hate
Naming the wrongs of our nation's current state
Answering the universe’s call, righteous and bold
Trying to change the world because on its promises I’m not sold
Insisting the way it is is much too harsh and cold
Narrating a story where adventure is rife
Going about trying to live my best life

But I do believe I’ve begun to drone
So here’s the true purpose of this poem
I’m really saying is I’ve got better things to do
But the real question written here is:

Messing with HTML By Jon Poret

We have to write a blog post and be creative, so I decided the best thing to do would be to write in unicode and type the whole post in HTML.

Now I've changed the font color and background using HTML. The code do to that for some reason cant be shown in the text. I tried to show it, but the website just sees it as more code, so here's a screenshot.

HTML is somewhat confusing, but I find it to be similar to Java.
I could make writing this much easier for me by just composing the blog post normally, but then I wouldn't be able to
make it invisible like this
Try highlighting the line above this one. Cool, right? I did that in HTML using some very basic code. I learned the HTML needed to make this while writing this blog post too. HTML is a tag based language, meaning that everything is written inside tags. Tags allow me to perform all sorts of strange code within the text, which created some of the effects i used in the blog post.
I can also use HTML to create things that aren't available using the normal composition page,

Like creating a new title

This isn't an available option in the composition window, but I can code it in HTML. In theory, I would be able to make subtitles too.

so if there is a class called subtitle in the blogs code, this will work.

I've concluded that the class subtitle looks more like bolded text than anything, so that's rather useless.
HTML can also be used in many ways other than creating websites, such as finding exploits and breaking websites. One famous example of this is the self retweeting tweet that developer Andy Geruhn was able to use an exploit found in the twitter extension TweetDeck that caused a tweet he wrote to automatically be retweeted if a user who was using TweetDeck found the tweet in their feed. Because of the exploit he found, his tweet was found on many famous Twitter Accounts, such as the BBC.
Here's a video that explains what happened really well.

All in all, HTML is fun to use to mess around with to build and break websites, but it's not even half of what is used to code and create websites. Usually the languages CSS and Javascript are used as well, but the backbone of the websites code is usually done in HTML.

The Smiles of the Dominican Republic by Emma Cerra

        My alarm crooned its annoying little tune, forcing my eyes to open and pick myself up from a comfortable slumber. It was 2:30am, and our flight to the Dominican Republic was in the hours to come! As grumpy and groggy as I was, I was ecstatic to be going. I'd been ardently waiting for this annual trip. We arrived at our meeting point, Tech, to load up the several suitcases full of donations we so gratefully managed to collect. Then, it was off to the airport.
      We arrived in DR, and, after a long day of lugging suitcases and equipment for the necessitous village we'd be visiting tomorrow, we all collapsed into our beds.
       Morning time. Before I knew it, we were off, zooming down one of the many roads that seemed to be without a speed limit... Not before long did we arrive at our destination, Aguas Negras, a poor village placed near a cruise ship port, and whose name translates in English to 'black waters', for their waste ran down the street due to lack of a sewer system. While the town was ever so dilapidated, the people were as friendly as ever. They were kind and sociable and seemed to be having a good time despite their conditions.
            We spend the last two days painting and restoring their school, for once it was finished, the government would finally agree to fund. The last day, we toured the village and saw for ourselves the way the people lived. The streets we took were bumpy and had many potholes, which made it difficult to navigate without getting wet sneakers. Garbage littered the streets and many stray cats and dogs wandered about aimlessly, their coats patchy and unkempt. At one point, we crossed a bridge, and there I saw something I'd never seen before. It was a river of garbage. Bottles, cups, plastic bags, styrofoam. It twisted and turned, looping behind houses and hiding under tall grass, before greeting the ocean. There were even people sitting on the bridges, deep in normal conversation, as if the trash wasn't there but yet replaced by some normal river. It was hard to comprehend until I realized that to them, this was their reality.
      We moved further in and around the village, waving at shy, giggly little kids standing in doorways. As sad as it was to see people live in such a state, the thing that remained constant was their smiles, and their waves, and their general welcoming spirit. It seemed like everyone knew everyone, and most of their days were spent outside sitting on chairs and chatting. It wasn't just in Aguas Negras was this obvious, but rather every village we visited. It was an experience I'll never forget, but rather hold close to my heart!  

Some Haikus By Noah Fischer

Creative writing is the only writing I enjoy and also the type of writing I'm worst at so these are some haiku's about random topics.

My first one is going to be pretty meta, I'll write it about the rules of a haiku for those who don't know (the numbers are referring to syllables, but I didn't have enough to specify that)

First and last have five
Middle line has got seven
That is a haiku

Winter really sucks
Snow days make us lose summer
It is very cold

I hate school so much
Teach me something useful please
I can't wait to leave

(Ok, I couldn't fit the word "identity" in the second line, so I shortened it)
I love The Office
Dent. theft is not a joke Jim
I'm telling Michael

Please stop TikTok memes
I already chose McCree
This isn't it chief

Sub to Pewdiepie
He must beat T-Series soon
You must do your part

Image result for seven syllables of a haiku obscured by a vegan hotdog
(this image is a haiku, "seven syllables/of a haiku obscured by/a vegan hot dog", and the haiku is actually being obscured by a vegan hot dog)

Belsnickel is here
Have you been admirable?
Or are you impish?

Shoutout to JacksFilms
He gave me my love for these
Go subscribe to him
Image result for jacksfilms haikus yiay
Christmas time is here
Break can not come fast enough
I need to get out

They did surgery
On a grape they did surger-
Y on a grape wow

Well I ran out ideas real fast, so there are my haikus I hope you've enjoyed.

My Earliest Memory by Emma Cerra

When thinking back to my earliest memory, I wonder why I remembered it. It’s a really odd memory, hazy to the point where I feel like it cou...