Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Why the Earth is Doomed in a Few Decades By: Nick Murray

Climate change is the new crisis of the century! Throughout the past few decades, numerous reports from scientists show that there are many signs of the Earth's climate becoming extremely dangerous. According to multiple scientific studies, if the trend humans are making at this moment continues for the next few decades, the temperature may rise as high as 2 degrees Celsius! Yes, this may seem like nothing.. "who cares... it'll just be hotter in the winter and summer, I'm fine with that...". Yes, it's called "Global Warming", but much more is happening.  Natural disasters are becoming much more dangerous and intense on the Earth. Sea level will rise dramatically, possibly causing major flooding in coastal states, due to the Polar Ice Caps melting. This consequently adds a surplus of water into the ocean, rising the sea levels The International Panel on Climate Change predicts that America's air will become as toxic as Asia's air in the coming years. Another effect of Climate Change is the faster recurrence of drought and heatwaves, which will effect the yield of plants that farmers will be taking in, thus lowering the world wide food supply. Scientists are still unsure why this is happening, but Hurricanes are mostly becoming category 4 and 5, where a few decades ago category 4 and 5s were fairly rare.Image result for effects of climate changeImage result for effects of climate change

What's causing this? Well, the most plausible cause of Climate change is the emission's that humans are putting into the atmosphere. Other causes include deforestation and human expansion. Emissions is basically putting an excessive amount of Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere while not being able to turn the carbon into Photosynthesis fast enough. Now, to understand why deforestation is such a massive problem, one must understand how they contribute to the environment. Plants, trees, etc. take in Carbon Dioxide to create Oxygen. They take this Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere, and lowers levels of CO2 in the atmosphere. However, when humans lower the population of plants, trees, etc. there is not enough Carbon Dioxide being taken out of the atmosphere. Now, for emissions, for examples include factories, cars, and power plants. There put an excessive amount of Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere heating the atmosphere up by about 2-10 degrees if this trend continues. I have already gone over the effects of Climate change, but this is such an important issue people NEED to take action now! Go down to your local politically office and vote for a representative that believes in climate change!
Image result for effects of climate change
Fun Fact: Trump got the United States out of the Paris Climate Agreement and does NOT care about the environment whatsoever. There are many states that have gone back into the agreement, however there are only about 15 states.



  1. I agree, climate change is a huge issue.

  2. global warming makes me so mad

  3. This is very scary and it's unfair to future generations who will deal with this.

  4. This is crazy. I can't believe so many people don't care about climate change!

  5. Climate change scares me so much. Crazy.

  6. Interesting title, and good analysis. Way to go, Mur-man!

  7. It does seem like there are hurricanes every day now.

  8. this is scary to know that climate change is not taken seriously by so many people, good job Nick!


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