Friday, October 19, 2018

Who is Jake Paul? : A Controversy by Jordan Bucenec

Image result for jake paul

Who is Jake Paul? : A Controversy by Jordan Bucenec

Shane Dawson, a popular You Tuber and creator, addresses mental health issues and the behaviors of sociopaths in his documentary, The Mind of Jake Paul. Dawson has created other documentaries exposing the lives of other You Tubers while addressing disputed issues and other topics, such as racism. His most recent documentary, The Mind of Jake Paul, reveals the life and personal thoughts of a controversial You Tuber, Jake Paul. 

Jake Paul is a twenty-one-year-old millionaire You Tuber, who has been caught in a world filled with drama and violence. He is hated with a passion by many young people due to his reckless and dangerous actions. Shane begins to wonder whether Jake could be an actual sociopath. He exhibits several sociopathic tendencies. A 
lack of empathy and dangerous behavior are two of these behaviors. Dawson delves into the behavior of sociopaths with the help of a certified therapist, Kati Morton. They begin to piece apart the mind of Jake Paul through research and interviews. Dawson and Morton begin to conduct their interviews by first  questioning Nick Crompton, Jake's past friend, and former Team 10 member, who claims to "stay poppin'" (Dawson The Mind of Jake Paul). Nick exposes that all of Jake's pranks and jokes seen in his videos are actually fake. Crompton's statement reveals to viewers that Jake is not the impulsive twenty-one-year-old that everyone thought he was. 

Shane began to question if he was right in his presumptions about Jake. He decides to discover himself by visiting the Team 10 House, where Jake Paul lives. Team 10 is a social media incubator and management company co-founded by Jake. The Team 10 House is a mansion, and many social media influencers live there. Kati and Shane discover while staying at Jake's house that Paul is a bit reckless and feeds off of adrenaline. However, he still appears like a friendly guy. Kati notes that Jake doesn't exhibit any sociopathic tendencies to her knowledge and seems like a sweet kid. This urges Shane to continue investigating and find out more about Jake's background and early life. He interviews Erika Costell, Paul's girlfriend. Through this interview, Dawson was able to discover more about how Jake behaves outside of his videos. Erika is one of the only people that Jake really trusts, after being cheated on with his brother, Logan, by his ex-girlfriend, Alissa Violet. Dawson and Kati begin to sympathize for Paul, but quickly realize they must continue their search, fearing dispute from their viewing community. 
Image result for erika costell(Erika Costell) 

The next person Shane interviews is Alissa Violet, Jake's rumored ex-girlfriend. Before and throughout her interview, Violet appears stressed and hesitant. Neither her nor Jake have revealed their sides of their breakup story publicly, and this causes Alissa to have anxiety. She is afraid of what Dawson's audience will think of her. Regardless, she goes through with the interview. Violet admits that Jake and she were never officially dating and that Jake would see other girls even with her around. Alissa also admits to getting together with Logan Paul when she and Jake were "dating." Violet's answers leave Shane with a surplus of footage to edit and a load of information to process. Could he really rely on Jake to give him the truth? Who was Jake Paul? 

Finally, the episode we've all been waiting for. The finale. The skin-crawling interview with Jake Paul. In the eighth and final episode of his series, Dawson publishes an hour and forty-five-minute video revealing Jake's secrets. Paul and his girlfriend, Erika Costell, pay a visit to Shane's house in this final part. Shane and Jake are seen sitting on Dawson's couch, both of them vulnerable and exposed. Paul truly opens himself up to Shane while discussing his video content, company, friends, family, controversies, girlfriends, past, and many personal topics. Ultimately, Jake Paul isn't a sociopath, dangerous, or trying to manipulate children Despite his malicious and hateful perception, Jake Paul is revealed to be a normal guy, just like the rest of us.

Image result for the mind of jake paul


  1. "TEA" indeed. This must have been a pain in the butt to summarize, I feel like I got all the info regardless! Very interesting topic, I love conspiracies! Please tell me if/when you made another one of these, I'd love to read more of what you have to say :)

  2. I feel like you really embodied Shane's series. 10/10 would read again.

  3. I loved the series with Jake Paul and you totally captured the essence of why Shane Dawson makes the series he does! #Costellar

  4. You guys love this guy.... I'm intrigued.


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