Tuesday, October 23, 2018

When is it going to stop? By: Lauren Matus

The other day, I tried looking for a current event and some of the events I wanted to write about were covered already, so I kept looking and all I saw were stories about missing or dead people.
When is it going to stop? When will the day come where I turn on the news, and don’t see the words “missing person” or “body found”? It seems like everyday it’s a different story lost. Their journey, their experiences, their life, all gone in the blink of an eye.
How do we know what will come tomorrow or the day after that? As much as I wish our world was a perfect utopia, it isn’t. However, we can make changes to it to make it as close to a utopia as it possibly can be. Safety is a major issue today whether it’s in our towns, schools, homes, or as a whole nation. How many more people will vanish until something is done to stop a problem we hear stories about everyday? One of the reasons people are disappearing is due to human trafficking and according to the FBI, human trafficking is “a form of slavery including forced labor, domestic servitude, and commercial sex trafficking”. As stated by the National Center of Missing and Exploited Children, 14% of children that are reported missing were confirmed victims of child sex trafficking; out of the 14%, that’s one out of seven children. Just think about that for a moment. People think that this may not pertain to them so they just sit back and let it happen, however these are families being ripped apart, children being worked to death, and peoples lives being ruined. There are simple ways that people can help such as taking the time to learn more about indicators of human trafficking to help a victim, or volunteer in efforts to try and end this epidemic. With these efforts, hopefully society will take a step forward in the right direction to one day abolish this problem.
Information found on: 


  1. It's scary how high the numbers are and how likely this is to happen

  2. This gets me very worried to be honest

  3. This is very scary and I hear that things like this happen right in our own areas. Always be cautious when you're out.

  4. Wow,this is very frightening

  5. This is very frightening and we should all be worried

  6. I think is very relevant and important to bring notice to, good job!


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