Friday, October 26, 2018

Threats to Politicians By: Jenna Blandina

Normally when I am looking for a current event article online, I like to steer away from politics because it personally does not interest me. But, this topic I felt I had to address because I am amazed by the actions of some people in America. 

On Tuesday, October 24, famous US politicians including Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, and John Brennan received suspicious packages in the mail. These packages turned out to be pipe bombs, which started a nationwide investigation to figure out who is targeting these former office holders. An article from NBC news channel, written by various reporters, gives us  insight to this recent incident. The bombs themselves were built to set off a successful explosion as they had timers, and all the right components, according to bomb experts. 

The real question, is why would someone do this? Was it in despite of their political beliefs, or anger at what these politicians believe? This we might not know, until the person gets arrested and provides a motive for their actions. 

The fact that someone in the world would do this to another person just to prove a point, get revenge, or be noticed, amazes me. Hurting others, will accomplish nothing in the long run. Just because someone has different beliefs than these politicians, does not mean society gets to threaten them because of their right to freedom of speech. Will this start a trend? Is this a new way of expressing that someone does not agree with a politician's opinions? I sure hope it is not, because despite what someone believes, they should not be threatened or hurt because of it.  

IMAGE: X-ray image of pipe bomb

  Here is an image of one of the bombs that was x-rayed 

Click here  for the article I read


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