Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The Best Kind of News! By Beth Nedelka

Most current events on the news are depressing and I am sick of the media highlighting all the bad things. Of course they need to be addressed but I came across some of the best news with out really looking for it.

Late one night before going to sleep I did one last scroll through my Instagram feed to make sure I was up to date on everything before calling it a day. I came across a post with the image of a panda that read "congratulations to the panda for getting off the endangered species list". I was astonished. This animal has been endangered my whole life. Back in first grade there was always that one kid who brought up the fact that they were endangered. But now, they weren't! I was ecstatic my furry friends made it! Disbelief started to fill my mind. I mean how reliable is an Instagram post? So my research began.

My finger moved across my screen to the blue safari app where I typed in the search bar "are pandas off the endangered species list?". A link to the World Wildlife Foundation was the first to appear; seeming pretty legit. After minutes of extensive research the post was actually right. Well, pandas aren't totally in the clear but they are now on the vulnerable species list. Which is due to the 17% population increase in the last decade.

You may be wondering just how panda populations increased. Did they have more babies? Die less? The real solution was the work of government agencies create reservations for the once endangered species. These reserves have also helped protect bamboo; which is the main part of a panda's diet. Panda's were on the endangered species list for over 50 years. But they have shown the world how enough protection could save an entire species. We are a step farther from living in a world without adorable pandas and I am beyond happy.

Here's the article I read in case you want more information:

As you can see, this panda is very happy to be off the endangered species list!


  1. i could tell you better news

  2. I remember when I was in first grade I did a project on an endangered animal of my choice, I chose the panda. This is such great news! Hopefully we will be able to take more animals of the list of endangered animals.

  3. This is so cute!! I loved how it was written with a personal touch too!

  4. awe bethecca this is so cute

  5. I'm so glad the Panadas aren't endangered anymore. I remember when we went to D.C. in eighth grade and saw all the little baby Pandas in the zoo.

  6. Im so happy that pandas are not endangered anymore! After reading other current events, Im glad one of them has a happy ending.

  7. I love pandas and this is so cute!!


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