Wednesday, October 17, 2018

I'm angry but i have a real reason this time -- carissa song

On Saturday, October 6th, the Senate approved Brett Kavanaugh's seat as a Supreme Court Justice in a close 50-48 vote.

This is what's wrong with our country.

Sexual harassment, assault, and abuse have always been issues in our society, and recently more and more people are finding the bravery within themselves to come forward with their stories. After having their whole lives ripped apart, without their consent, and after suffering more emotional trauma (often at a young age) than anyone should have to in their entire lives, it disgusts me when these victims are written off and insulted. While committing these degrading, heinous crimes and not going to jail based on a reputation is terrible, what's even worse is our country's representatives electing that criminal to the highest power in our entire country's justice system.

I am going to preface this paragraph by saying I think women and men who make up false sexual assault claims should be jailed. While I'm not saying this is slander necessarily, it can destroy the reputation, family and life of an innocent person. However, only 2% of rape cases, on average, are false or baseless (according to the NSVRC), and that is important to remember when claiming that a woman made up an accusation. Nobody wants to do what Christine Blasey Ford so bravely did, come forward in front of the whole world and tell everyone her most private, secret story of how she was violated. Nobody will make up an accusation that they know will have themselves criticized, attacked, dragged through the mud. But Ford was so disturbed by the notion of the disgusting pig Kavanaugh representing our justice system -- as she (and everyone else) should be -- that she broke down the walls of her fears and post-traumatic stress to stand up for the right thing, and that's absolutely awe-inspiring.

Christine Blasey Ford

Far too many cases of rape and other sexual assault and abuse go unreported, or if they are reported, oftentimes the perpetrator doesn't have to pay for what they've done if they are a young man of a rich or connected family. His wealth, connections and reputation are probably some of the only reasons Kavanaugh wasn't found guilty, as there were other accusations against him and corroboration of parts of Ford's story. Like the Brock Turner case, people say "he's just a kid, this will ruin his future" without acknowledging that Turner already ruined the future and peace of mind of that girl. Like this Brett Kavanaugh case, people will say "it was too far in the past" and try to use that to discredit her story, while not acknowledging the fact that although it was in the past, it created a present and a future in which she deals with these horrible memories all the time. And so there a woman stands, caught between a man's past and a man's future with neither of her own, being silenced by too many people with too much power and too much money.


  1. this is worded so well i agree 500%

  2. Wow- that last sentence was very powerful. This was a monumental time in our country's history and I wonder what will happen from here on out.

  3. This was amazing. The writing itself was done extremely well and the topics discussed were so powerful and important.

  4. Honestly, I didn't really follow this event well enough to either agree, or disagree with your stance on the accusation. The craziest thing to me about this current event was that the vote was so close. Just think, if one person switched their vote, or if those 2 delegates didn't abstain, this whole topic would be expressed in a new light. This would be a completely different conversation.

  5. Your writing is amazing and so powerful!

  6. This writing is incredibly impactful. The last sentence was a great closing.

  7. Your righting is amazing and I could really tell how passionate you are about this topic. Great job!

  8. Intense. I like it.


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