Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Fiji's War Against Climate Change By: Lukas Hein

Climate change is debated all over the world every day, and can be considered one of the most controversial current topics. Storm seasons are altered, making it hard to know when a natural disaster could occur. For Fiji, a small island that attracts countless tourists, the cyclone season has fluctuated. Storms are now coming unexpectedly, whether its week after week, or getting destroyed by a storm two weeks late. Climate change has had a great affect on Fiji with all of their attractions and tourists, and now they are seeking change.
With planes constantly flying in and  out of airports, tour buses clogging streets, cruise ships surrounding the coast, or just the tourists walking around the towns, pollution is no question. With the abundance of tourists comes income, but the countries reliance on these people, combined with constant development and gradual incline of global temperatures has gone against Fiji's fragile environment. The constant pour of tourists has brought trouble with them, and one is invasive species. Crown-of-thorns starfish, a newly introduced invasive species has lead to the destruction of coral reefs, and coastal areas are experiencing erosion from the rising sea level.
I feel like this is a very good move because many people that consider climate change as an issue can ask the question; What will this place look like in a decade or two? Fiji is looked upon as a paradise, whether it's the remote landscapes or crystal clear water, or even just the experience of city life. Not only are they worried about their future, they're also worried about their people. Climate change has had a great affect on them, and for if no one helps it will keep getting worse and worse, Fiji is taking a major step that other countries are hesitant about taking. For instance, in the US, President Trump doesn't believe in climate change, and doesn't feel the need to do anything to help. Fiji's Prime Minister is the President of the United Nations Climate Change conference. Not only is he helping his country, but he's also looking to create a movement and get other countries on board. Climate change has become a lot more relevant in the past decades, and the only thing that's left to do is rise to the occasion and try to find a change.
Work Cited: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/24/travel/fiji-global-warming.html?action=click&module=Editors%20Picks&pgtype=Homepage


  1. This is well written and it seems like you really know your stuff

  2. Wow! I always imagined Figi as a perfect vacation location. Thank you for the info

  3. Oh wow! This was very interesting to read because I did not know very much about Fiji, and I definitely would not have guessed that they of all places were dealing with climate change. It really expanded my idea of Fiji!

  4. Interesting and good that they are setting the precedent to try and stop the effects of climate change.


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