Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Elon Musk Helps Flint Michigan Students By Kristen Bradish

Everyone knows Flint Michigan as the dregs of society with sickening drinking water. In 2014, the area shifted their source of water from Lake Huron and the Detroit River to the shoddier Flint River. Due to inadequate water treatment in this river, lead leached from the pipes into the drinking water, exposing over 100,000 residents. The U.S. Government didn't issue a state of emergency about the water contamination until 2016 and the full decontamination isn't expected to be done until as late as 2020. Households and schools are forced into drinking from bottled water which has even more contaminants in it from the plastic. Elon Musk saw this dilemma and took diligent steps to help out however he could. Musk bestowed new water filtration systems at all 12 of the Flint Community School buildings to ensure students are provided with clean water. However, some people may not be able to fully comprehend how significant this thoughtful gesture was. If I had to guess, I would say it only cost him, a multi-millionaire, a couple of thousand dollars. While that money might seem like a lot to regular peasants like us, surely Elon Musk won't lose sleep over a measly thousand dollars. The real amount to buy water filtration systems for a whole district? $480,350. Elon Musk and his foundation donated $480,350, enough money to buy a quality house, towards the school's water fountains. It goes to show that there are still people out there who want to spread the wealth and help others who aren't as fortunate.

New and improved water fountains being installed at Flint Community Schools



  1. It's nice to see someone with a lot of money to spare doing some good in the world.

  2. Wow - that was so generous of him and at least the kids, who are still growing, can have clean water in school.

  3. That is amazing and cool. I hope others follow in his example.

  4. "regular peasants like us" just because it's true doesn't mean it hurts any less.

    I've heard some bad things about Musk (from my parents so it might be wrong) but he can't be that bad if he's helping so many people (I hope not at least).

  5. I think that it is wonderful that Elon Musk helped give the students of Flint Community cleaner drinking water at their schools. As a result, the students will most likely be healthier than prior to his contribution.


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