Sunday, September 9, 2018

Bringing Back the Movie Classics By: Alyssa Lasko

What isn't there to love about a good movie? The action, special effects, feeling immersed in some other universe, falling in love with so many diverse characters, crying because you're laughing so hard, getting yelled at by your friends or family because you predicted what would happen next and no one believed you so you just have to yell, "I told you so!". Man, movies are great.

(Movies also allow you the chance to snack on a bunch of junk food without getting yelled at because no one can see how many cookies you have stuffed in your mouth... I'm honestly not sure if this is more convenient or inconvenient.)

For those of you who have been living under a rock, this summer Incredibles 2 came out after fans waited 14 years since the original movie was released in 2004. I remember sitting in front of the TV like a mindless zombie for what must have been hours just watching The Incredibles over and over again when I was younger (a wonderful way to spend your time if you ask me). Thankfully, (as far as I've heard and read), Disney lived up to the hype many fans had for the second Incredibles movie. (Yeah, I haven't seen it yet.)

Now I'm not sure if this has been happening under my nose this whole time and I never noticed, but many older movies have been getting sequels lately. We have:
-Finding Dory (2016) for the classic Finding Nemo (2003)
-Star Wars receiving The Force Awakens in 2015 (and, maybe, countless other new movies in the future)
-Toy Story's fourth movie comes out in 2019
-Jurassic Park (1993-2001) getting Jurassic World (2015-present)
-Beauty and the Beast (1991) receiving a live action adaptation just this last year
-Even Winnie the Pooh got a new movie this year, Christopher Robin

There are probably some others that missed my list, sorry!

Some of these sequels are hits, others not so much. Are directors using well known titles as cash grabs? Probably. Is that gonna stop me from seeing the next Star Wars or Jurassic World movie even though I'll just complain about it? Probably not. Hopefully this doesn't mean directors are running out of original ideas or are getting lazy (that's MY job).

Related image
Did you know that the T.rex actually didn't exist in the Jurassic Period? They lived in the late Cretaceous Period, which lasted around 70 million years longer than the Jurassic Period.

Image result for winnie the pooh
Winnie the Pooh was also based off of a female teddy bear. (There is some gossip that Pooh might be a girl, but I haven't  found a concrete answer anywhere though.)

Here's some trailers of the classics:
Star Wars: A New Hope
Finding Nemo
Jurassic Park

Personally, my favorite of these sequels is Jurassic World. (And, no it's not just because of Chris Pratt.) I'm also a hard core Star Wars fan, but I just don't really like the newer movies.

Image result for incredibles 2
I hope I get to see the Incredibles 2 soon. I was looking forward to seeing it this summer, maybe sometime in the fall I can go see it.


  1. I loved the movie, Christopher Robin!!! Will always be my favorite.

  2. Incredibles 2 was really cute! Definitely see it!

  3. I haven't seen any of these but your parenthetical notes were hilarious lol

  4. I cannot wait for the next Jurassic Park movie.

  5. Incredibles 2 was so good you have to watch it!!

  6. Thank you all so much for taking the time to read my post (I know it's pretty lengthy and that makes it a little daunting). I'll have to take your guys advice and watch some of the movies that you enjoyed.

    I'm flattered you like my parenthetical notes, Kaela, they kinda of just come to me so I'll keep including them :)

  7. I didn't know that Winnie the Poo was based off a female teddy bear, so that was very interesting to learn!


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