Friday, May 31, 2019

Game Review: Overwatch By: Zachary Merold

In case you couldn't tell from some of my other blog posts, I am quite interested in video games and greatly enjoy playing them in my free time. One of the games I think I have had the most fun playing is Overwatch. For those who don't know, which is probably most of you, Overwatch is a first person shooter in which games are played in three different main forms: taking control of a certain area and defending it, moving and defending a payload, and then a combination of the two where once the area has been captured the payload is released. The games are played 6 vs 6 and team compositions generally consist of two healer/support heroes, two tank heroes, and two heroes responsible for damage output. This game can be played competitively or casually and there are many fun alternative game modes and maps to play as well. The game itself doesn't have many story modes to play, but their is a lot of lore surrounding the characters. In order to get the best experience playing this game, you really have to have a friend fighting alongside you too share the fun. While this game used to be pretty well balanced in terms of no one hero was too powerful, now I am simply frustrated with the Overwatch developers refusal to fix old heroes and moving on to release new ones. For example, the newest hero, Baptiste, has an ability called Immortality Field, in which he throws out this little drone that has an area of effect preventing teammates from taking damage once they drop to a certain percentage of their total health. So if someone were to deal 300 damage to an enemy player with 200 health while they were in this Immortality Field, that person would not be able to be killed until either leaving the field or until the drone creating the field was destroyed. I with the Overwatch team would find some way to balance this ability because Baptiste otherwise is a great support hero with some other great capabilities. Image result for baptiste invul ability
This is an image of the Baptiste deploying his Immortality Field with a couple teammates to protect them from the explosive tire heading their way (which would normally be able to eliminate all three of the shown heroes).


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