Friday, February 8, 2019

How my Family Inspires me by Olivia Giralt

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My Mother  
      I love my mom. I am so lucky to have the incredible mother that she is. She always goes out of her way just to make life better for my family. When I think about parenting, I think of all the work she does for my other family members and our dogs. She does so much work, and she is great at everything that parenting seems to be. Parenting appears to be one of the most difficult jobs out there. For every hour of the day, for many years, she has to take care of multiple children. There really isn't a break from parenting. Even when her children are out of the house, she still has to make sure she knows where we are and that we make it home safely. When I think of all the work she has to do, it reminds me of how much I do not want to have the job of a parent. Parenting is not an easy job, and I am very thankful to have a mother so great at it. My mother has taught me to be thoughtful, kind, optimistic, and to do what makes me happy.

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My Father  
    My father is definitely one of my biggest motivators and greatest teachers. He has taught me a lot, like how things aren't what they seem, what to expect when I enter "the real world", that I'll need to do a lot of work to get what I want, and that I should appreciate the world around me. My dad loves to travel, and he has taken me to see some wonderful parts of the world. He always reminds me that I have to be mature, independent, and be able to think ahead and prepare for the future. He is one of the people that constantly motivate me to be successful and never give up. I wouldn't want anyone else to be my dad. Every person in my family is different from each other, but I have always felt that out of everyone in my family, my dad and I have the most in common. I look up to my dad a lot.

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My Brother 
    My brother is a couple years younger than me and a couple inches shorter than me, so I don't exactly look up to him. But as the older and taller sibling, I am given the responsibility of being a proper role model for him. My brother reminds me to be responsible and make good choices. I only have one brother, and he is the best brother ever. I hear my friends complain about their brothers all the time, and I feel pretty lucky to have a brother who is very kind and doesn't purposely try to annoy me. Though he may rarely clean up after himself, it is not the worst problem ever. I do my best to motivate brother to do well in school and in the activities he enjoys outside of school. I am super proud of my brother, he is more successful than I ever was at his age. He is very motivated, he wants to become an astrophysicist when he grows up. I wish I could find something to be as passionate about as he is. Though he may not realize it, he has taught me that every action counts, and that how I handle situations can set an example for someone else.
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My Grandmother

    My grandmother is one of the most inspirational people in my life. My grandfather was a mechanic, but his job did not provide enough for a family. My grandmother worked very hard, she became a nurse and made most of the money that provided for her family. She raised my dad, and then later had a second child when she moved. My grandmother is the most loving and inspirational person I have ever met, and I am incredibly thankful to have her in my life. I've never met someone as dedicated to helping others as much as she is. When I think about all the incredible work she has done, I am reminded of how fortunate I am to have such great opportunities. She motivates me to take the education I have been provided with and get whatever job I dream of having. She is strong, independent, loving, and motivated. She is definitely the best role model in my life. I love my grandmother.

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  1. The story about your grandma is so beautiful, I never knew your dad immigrated here as a kid.


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